
Friday, June 14, 2013

Five on Friday

Happy Friday y'all!
After the storms we had last night, it's nice to see perfectly blue skies this morning!

 Today I'm linking up with Darci over at The Good Life for Five on Friday.
Five things that I'm loving, on my mind, anything!


Monday I'm taking a mini road trip to see my friend Brittany in Auburn, Alabama!
The last time I saw her was at her baby shower and we weren't able to talk much at the time because of all the festivities. We lived together in college and became good friends. She's now having a baby, and we're hanging out one last time before Luke comes at the end of July. I also have a very special delivery for her! ;)

Getting ready at Brittany's wedding last summer.

One of my best friends, Ashley is shooting her very first wedding this weekend! She's an aspiring photographer, and caught a lucky break when a bride's photographer CANCELED on her a few weeks before her wedding! (My heart would stop.) Ashley is headed up there tomorrow to take on the challenge. I'm so excited for her! 

[She blogs over at A Thousand Words!]

Ashley and I at the Jason Aldean concert last April.
Father's Day is this weekend! I have yet to buy any gift or card for my dad, step-dad, future father-in-law or grandfather. Way to be proactive, Lauren. Nonetheless, I'm excited to celebrate with my family this weekend!
Me, My Dad, Whitney

 Today is my [hopefully] last day of working on my "Will You Be My Bridesmaid?" gifts. No joke. I've been working on them for two weeks straight. I know it's my fault that I waited until the last minute, but school was honestly my main focus until the end of May. I'm so excited to almost have them done. I hope my girls love them and say yes! I'll be delivering them next week and hopefully show y'all by the end of the week! So exciting!

Did I tell y'all I found my WEDDING DRESS? :D
Maybe one, two, three times.
I can't stop looking at the pictures of it! I have them secretly hidden so Cody can't stumble upon them. I'll be taking Cody's mom and a family friend to see it the first weekend in July, when I take my bridesmaids to try on bridesmaid dresses. I hope they love it as much as I do!
There it is. My Five on Friday.
Happy Friday y'all!


  1. Stopping by from the link up. I'm the worst at remembering to buy cards for Father's Day, Mother's Day etc. I've started making a bunch at one time so I always have them on hand. Cute blog! New follower.

  2. That's a genius idea :) making them all at once! I need to start doing that!

  3. The dress! How much fun is that ... finding a dress can be the most rewarding feeling. Can't wait to see it! :)

    Thanks so much for linking up with us this week!

    1. Thanks for reading my Five on Friday! I love your blog and can't wait to see more of your adventures!

  4. Haha I love how each time you post a wedding dress picture it gives just a littllee bit more away! You've got a little less than a year to go it's going to be so hard not to reveal the whole thing! But I don't blame you for looking at the pictures a million times it is seriously one of the most stunning dresses I have ever seen, I am just so excited! See you tonight!!

    1. Thank you for being so supportive and going to all my fun appointments with me! It wouldn't be the same without you! :)

  5. Stopping over from the linkup! Congrats on finding your dress - such a fun part of wedding planning. I spent forever on my bridesmaids invites too but so worth it to ask your girls in a special way. I ow they'll be adorable.

    1. Thank you! You're wedding dress looked beautiful for your wedding! Can't wait to share the final product!

  6. So many exciting things going on! Found your blog through the link up and can't wait to read more. Congrats on finding the dress! xo
