
Friday, June 21, 2013

Five on Friday

It's Friday!
Not like Fridays mean much to me these days since I'm on summer vacation.
But nonetheless, I love linking up with the ladies for Five on Friday and sharing what's on my mind and what I'm loving from this past week!


I'm LOVING that Ashley asked me to go get a mani/pedi with her yesterday! It has been over a year since I had my nails done professionally, so it was nice. My little toes and fingers feel so clean and pretty. I even managed to make it OUT of the salon without bumping or denting my nail on something. SUCCESS.

Ashley made her first little video on Instagram while we were there yesterday!
Check it out: Mani/Pedi Video

[Hint: That's one of my "Will You Be My Bridesmaid?" gifts up top! Yay!]


Speaking of bridesmaids, I have one official, said yes, will be standing beside me on my wedding day bridesmaid!

On Monday, I headed down to Auburn, AL to visit one of my best friends, Brittany, at her home to spend the night, catch up, and ask her one very important question. We lived together in college, went through some crazy roommates, and managed to still be friends! She moved to Auburn with her husband last year, and they're now expecting their first baby!

When I got there, her new house was beautiful! We literally talked for hours just catching up on each others lives, and finally headed downtown for dinner. (Which was delicious!) We were going to go see a movie, but couldn't justify seeing a mediocre movie for the price. So 8-months along pregnant Brittany, waddled herself into the theater with giant popcorn bucket in tow, and got some movie theater popcorn to take home for us to watch the Bachelorette. Talk about adorable moment. :)

The next morning before I headed back home, we stopped at my FAVORITE bakery in the ENTIRE world, Gigi's Cupcakes, and bought four cupcakes to take back home with me. Yes, I could have bought them back home, but I had to taste an Auburn Gigi's just for fun. :)

[Brittany, if you're reading this - Thank you for letting me spend a day with you in Auburn! I had so much fun and loved catching up. I'm so glad you were the first one I asked to be a bridesmaid and you said yes! I had so much fun on your big day, and I hope you have as much fun on mine. I can't wait to meet Luke, and I know you'll be a great mommy! Oh and... I'm still sorry Maci almost ate one of your chickens. :) ]


I'm absolutely, positively loving waking up whenever I want to! I cannot tell you how tough it is to wake up before 5am every morning to drive an hour to my school. I normally wake up when Cody is getting ready for work, which I also love. With his new job, he doesn't have to wake up as early, so it's much easier for us to spend some time together in the morning before he leaves for work. First thing I normally do is take Maci and Hank out. Hank is our big ole' hound dog that we bought in the Carrollton Walmart parking lot - Which is pretty normal for those parts. Then I help Cody with whatever he needs help with, or just talk to him while he gets ready. (aka. make sure he leaves on time.)


I'm LOVING some of the pictures I took at the wedding last weekend! I finally gave my pictures to Ashley so she can really edit them, but I still love some of the originals from my camera. I had so much fun, even if it was a long day. I would love to do again sometime. Especially with my new lens for my camera. Here's a preview of a couple cute ones.


I'm loving that Whitney, my sister, helped me finish the "Will you be a Groomsman?" gifts! Cody just has to get a couple more final touches, and then they will be complete. I can't wait for Cody to give them out (if he's not too embarassed) and then let y'all see!

There's what I'm loving this week! What are y'all loving this week?


  1. Um I love that your friend decided to skip the movie but indulged in the popcorn! :) Smart idea! Movies are so much better at home anyways! Happy Friday!

  2. I cannot wait to see the "Will You Be" gifts...I LOVE THE IDEA of them!

  3. I love you pictures, you did amazing!

  4. stopping by from the link up... and had to say hello to a fellow georgia girl ;)

    i lovee those bright nails.... such a fun color! hope you have a great weekend!

  5. So cute! I love seeing what people give their bridesmaids! Can't wait to see them!

  6. Mani-Pedis and Cupcakes! Sounds good to me!

    -Zobia from The Eternity Journal

  7. I am LOVING your blog! For some reason I thought you were from or live in Athens, maybe it's the love of UGA and the fact that you go to alot of the games but after reading about where you got Hank I realized we might be closer to being neighbors!
