
Friday, June 28, 2013

Five on Friday

It's Friday!
Thank You Jesus!
Oh wait...

Everyday is the weekend when you're on summer break!
Don't worry y'all. 
My summer break will quickly be coming to an end, and all that time off will be missed terribly trying to get ready for the beginning of the school year. 
But here's to another Friday (I'll raise my Diet Dr. Pepper high), and to celebrate I'm linking up with Darci over at The Good Life to share what exciting things are going on this week.

Number One
It's official! This week I signed my contract for the 2013-2014 school year. Because I started teaching 5th grade in October, after the year already started, I wasn't guaranteed a contract. When last school year ended, I was told I would be asked to come back for this upcoming year, but was waiting on my contract. And honestly, I wasn't going to relax about having a secure job placement, until my contract was signed. And now that it's signed, I can officially start planning for my 2nd grade classroom!

Number Two
I don't know about y'all, but I LOVE holidays. I especially love baking for holidays. So with July 4th just right around the corner, Pinterest has me dying to try some of those festive Independence Day treats. I'm trying to decide which one I'm going to try this year...

Firework Cookie Cups
Mini S'Mores

Number Three

The "Will You Be a Groomsman?" gifts are done! And I can go ahead and show y'all because I doubt any of them actually read my blog!

The theme was "I Mustache You a Question."
I'll be doing a "How To" and giving more details in the next few days on the buckets, but I think they turned out adorable, if I do say so myself!

Number Four

I asked two more girls to be bridesmaids since the last Five on Friday! Ashley and Kelly officially accepted to be Bridesmaids, and I couldn't be more excited. So that brings my total up to three so far.

I have one more very important young lady to ask, but I've heard she might be busy June 7th of next year, so I'll keep my fingers crossed! ;)

Number Five

Cody and I started looking at honeymoon destinations this past week! We have a few different places in mind so far, but we're still thinking it through, and weighing our different options. We've been looking at:

[All images via Google.]

The Bahamas

St. Lucia

And my pick... (Cause it's the cheapest!)

Cabo San Lucas

That's what we've looked at so far. Any suggestions are always appreciated :)

Enjoy the last (where has my summer gone???) weekend in June!


  1. Love the groomsmen gifts!! We did Kauai for our honeymoon and LOVED it!! I recommend!

  2. Love the groomsmen gifts. Turned out super cute. We've done Atlantis in Nassau, and it's amazing! I've heard negative things about St. Lucia, and that it's really pricey...again, just hear say. I've heard nothing but fun things about Cabo, but from an experience stand point, Atlantis/Nassau is a blast!

  3. Shhh we don't need to speak of the summer ending just yet! And go with the mini s'mores. Those look delicious and a classic summer treat.

  4. Yay! I am so excited to be a part of your day, I was truly honored to be asked. And I cannot wait til you give the OK to share how you asked because it was ADORABLE! You know my vote is for the mini s'mores as you long as you invite us over to enjoy! Oh and I miss you it's been a week and that is weird haha
