
Saturday, July 6, 2013

Weekend Recap: Lazy Days of Summer

The first weekend of summer has come to an end, and this weekend was one of relaxation and rest. The term "lazy days of summer" describes our weekend to a T.  Although I'd love to plant my pale butt at a pool or on a boat at the lake, it was nice to catch up and rest for a couple days. 

Friday, I met Cody and his parents for an early dinner at a place called Collegiate Grill. I had never been before, but it was definitely delicious. I highly suggest a bacon cheeseburger. :) After dinner, we headed up to Cody's parents house to visit for awhile. I took a minute to dip my newly manicured toes in their pool. :)

That evening we asked our friends Paul and Ashley to stop by our house. We had important questions to ask them and we were so excited (but nervous!) to do so! 

I'm pleased to announce that I now have two official bridesmaids! Ashley said yes to my offer and I was so excited! I'm so glad Ashley came into my life when she did, and I can't wait to spend such a special time in mine and Cody's life with her! 

Paul also accepted Cody's offer to be a groomsman! I know he feels the same way I do about Paul and Ashley, and we couldn't ask for better friends. :)

Saturday, Cody and I made a USELESS trip to Apple. I am not happy with them. At all. The on/off/lock screen button on  my phone is jammed. Apparently it's a common problem with iPhones, as many people have told me of similar issues with their phone. In all the cases I had heard, their phones were replaced. So with a glimmer of hope in my eye, I met with an Apple consultant and was informed that if I wanted the issue fixed, I'd have to spend $200 on a new phone, as my phone is no longer under warranty. 

Uh. What. Really. Excuse me. 
$200 for an older model iPhone? Your product is malfunctioning and I have to just live with it? 

Thank you Stephanie. 

The rest of the day Cody and I napped and were lazy. Why we were so tired, who knows. But we definitely caught up on some sleep. It kinda looked like this:


That evening we had a windows down/off jeep night with Paul and Ashley. Cody got a new jeep a few months ago, so occasionally we like to ride around, wind blowing through our hair and enjoy each others company. It was fun. :)

Sunday we finally met my dad for a belated Father's Day lunch. It's always nice to see him and my grandparents cause it doesn't always happen as much as I'd like. We had a relaxing rest of the day and got ready to start a new week. 

Happy Monday y'all!

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