
Wednesday, July 31, 2013

What I'm Loving Wednesday

Oh, it's Wednesday.
Well, now it's almost Thursday.
This time next week, I'll have gotten the first day of school under my belt, met my sweet little babes, and hopefully have gotten first day jitters out of the way. 

Today was the first day of pre-planning, and boy was it a long one.
Definitely not used to waking up before 8am, much less 4:30am.
Aside from waking up BEFORE the crack of dawn, there are a lot of things I'm loving on this fine Wednesday.

I'm loving this picture of Cody and me.
I think it's precious. :)

I'm loving the fact that my classroom is coming along.
But still have lots of work to do before Open House Monday morning.

I'm DEFINITELY loving what Cody brought home from work yesterday!
Perks of working for Corona - F-R-E-E Kenny Chesney concert tickets.
The concert gods must love me this year. 

That's what I'm loving!
What are you loving?

Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Teacher Tuesday: Back to School

Thanks to all the supportive bloggers who encourage me to keep trucking on throughout this stressful glorious back-to-school time of the year!

I know it will all get done, and my room will look cute and organized just before my second grade babies come in and destroy it all. ;)

Like I mentioned in the last post, I have all these projects I've been working on the last few weeks, and it's really just putting them together and finding spots in the room that will work well for my kids. 

As much as I love Pinterest (and I REALLY do), it almost seems like a double-edged sword. Of course I've found amazing ideas and projects through pins and boards, but at the same time, I feel like it can also be very disheartening. 

To think my room will look like this:

And not just because we can't hang anything from the ceiling - thanks fire marshal.

But through it all, I've found some cute ideas from Pinterest that I'm going to try and use to prepare and decorate for the start of the year.

Hope King over at Second Grade Shenanigans is simply incredible.
That's where I got this idea for the hanging paper wreaths. 

 I plan on hanging mine in my classroom library.
Hope gives a quick little tutorial on how to make it, and so far it's been super easy!
They're cute, colorful and fun.


Clutter-Free Classroom has a TON of genius ideas! 
Like this one for example.
Twin-bed flat sheets for bulletin boards!
My school paints their bulletin boards navy, so if you don't want to put fabric or paper up, you really don't have to. And I didn't last year in fifth.
But this year, I wanted some extra pizazz!
For less than $10 a sheet, you can pick and choose what colors work best for your room.
They were a little difficult to put up, because of the size, but I have a ton left over that I can use around the rest of the room. 
Worth it!


Thinking of a theme for my room this year was impossible.
I couldn't pick one for the life of me.
I knew if I picked a theme for the entire year, I'd get bored by October.
So I plan on picking a theme to start the year, and whenever I get bored or the season changes, I'll change it again.

But when I saw this cute little idea, I knew I wanted to run with it. 
Preparing for Open House, I wanted to create a cute hallway bulletin board that gets my little babes pumped up to start this school year!
My bulletin board will be an underwater theme, with my kids as a school of fish (HA! get it? "school" of fish!) and me as the BIG fish. Each desk during Open House will have a baggie of goldfish with that saying above. (And of course some extra baggies for any brothers or sisters that tag along!) 

Of course I have many more projects to work on, gearing more towards academics and classroom management. But it's a start and it'll all come in time and hard work.
No meltdown yet. :)

Monday, July 29, 2013

Missing In Action: Ecard Style

Oh, hey.
Remember me?
Yeah, remember that time I said my summer was soon going to be coming to an end, my lazy days of summer would soon be swamped with back to school mumbo jumbo, and I would want to crawl back into my bed and hide from reality? 
Like here, here and here

Okay. Maybe I never said that last part about hiding from reality.
But after last week, and looking ahead at the next couple weeks, it sounds pretty good to me.
 My stress level is pretty much out the roof, trying to get ready for the school year.

Now, I'm sure some of you are wondering why I never worked on classroom projects throughout the summer when I had little, sometimes nothing to do...

I'm really awesome at it.

Honestly, I get overwhelmed pretty easily.
Looking at all the projects I want to complete, trying to get my classroom organized and cute (because if it's not cute, then the kids won't learn anything. duh.), and trying to find the money to do it all, I just don't know where to begin sometimes.

So today, I'm headed back to my room, hopefully lowering my stress level, and getting some good things accomplished.

If it doesn't go to plan, you'll find me in my bed, hiding from reality.
I have scheduled my meltdown for 9:54 this evening.  
Wish me luck.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Weekend Shenanigans: The Cutest Tiger in Auburn

My heart has officially melted away.

Luke Palmer

Auburn University's newest and cutest Tiger finally made his appearance into the world.
Luke was born last night at 9:11 PM, weighing 8 lbs. 6 oz.
(Those precious little cheeks probably weigh a good amount!)

Yesterday, I couldn't put my phone down, waiting for a text, picture, anything. 
Lots of prayers went down to Auburn, and finally God put a miracle into the arms of Brittany and Will. I know those two will be the BEST parents and I'm pretty sure Cody and I will be booking it to Auburn next month after they get settled in with Luke.
We can't wait to meet him :)
In other news...
Friday, Cody and I went with Paul and Ashley up to Atlanta Dragway for Fast Friday. Not surprisingly, Georgia weather failed us yet again. As soon as we paid for our tickets, got out of the car, walked to the track, rain poured out of the sky. 
Thank God for husbands and fiances who act as human umbrellas to protect their women! ;)


Saturday night, Cody and I headed to the Cruise In.
Back in the 80's, kids would cruise the strip in front of the mall, showing off their cars, hanging out with friends, and meet new people.
It's actually how Cody's parents met. :)

Last year, they had a reunion and big celebration, bringing back a lot of old friends, and showing off a lot of cool cars. 
It was so successful last year, they brought it back this year. 

Lucky for us, we received no racing tickets this time around. ;)


Sunday, I met up with my old friend from high school, Alayna, to catch up and have lunch.
Alayna actually introduced Cody and I freshman year of college, so I'll always thank her for that.

It was nice to catch up, and chat!
But it was even nicer to meet her sweet little chocolate lab Cash!


Thanks to Sami at Sami's Shenanigans for the weekend link-up! 

Sami's Shenanigans

Saturday, July 20, 2013

My Heart's In Auburn

Tonight, my heart's in Auburn, Alabama.

With Brittany being induced tomorrow morning, I can't help but constantly think about how drastically Brittany and Will's life is going to be changed tomorrow.

I can't imagine the thoughts going through their heads today. Today a family of two, tomorrow a family of three.

The anxiety and exhaustion of labor will be joyfully outweighed by the sweet cries and precious face of Luke Palmer.

Your hearts will be forever changed.
And mine as well.

My thoughts and prayers are being sent to Auburn, to  a sweet couple who is about to experience the best day of their lives.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Five On Friday

It's Friday!
Gonna get down on Friday!
Oh, nobody likes Rebecca Black anymore?
Oh, nobody ever did?
I'm brainwashed. From the worst possible singer/song ever. 
Please help. 
Enough of my personal problems, lets get started. 
Today I'm linking up with Darci over at The Good Life to share my Five on Friday!


I'm going to be an aunt this weekend!
My friend/bridesmaid Brittany is being induced Sunday morning, bringing sweet little baby Luke into the world. My thoughts and prayers will be with Brittany, her husband Will, and Luke this weekend. I can't wait to meet the little guy and watch Brittany bloom into the wonderful mother I know she's going to be. 


Mrs. Heeren's Happenings is my favorite new teaching blog!
 She has taught second grade for many years, and has the best, most creative ideas for the classroom. Thanks to her, I have my classroom management plan ready to go. Pretty much every post she has, I plan on using in my own classroom. 
I'm so thankful for awesome teachers like her!


I never thought I'd say this, but I might need to go back to work. 
I don't know if I never noticed this problem before, or just ignored it because I was just so happy to be sitting at home away from my job, class, and the stress that came along with it. But Maci and Hank both are driving me absolutely bonkers with their constant yapping! It's literally driving me insane. Just ask Cody. 

We've even progressed to standing on tables to bark.


I found the most amazing deal on church pews for our wedding next June! Never did I realize how expensive renting church pews would be for a wedding, but it's really out of control y'all. Since Cody compromised on our venue location, I would still love to honor his dream in creating an outdoor church ceremony. I think it's beautiful for one, and two I know it would be make him so happy.  

Here's some inspirational pictures: 

Cedarwood Wedding

Speaking of wedding news, I am making decisions people!
I never thought I'd say that!
My mom and I plan to meet this weekend and make some more big wedding decisions, make some purchases and prepare some more ideas before we meet with the planner next weekend. Yay me!

Happy Friday Bloggers!
May all your weekend dreams come true :)

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Throwback Thursday: Freshman Year Advice

My friend Ashley's little sister is about to head off to college in the next month. 
Ashley and I were talking the other day about her dorm, and finding cute decorations to make it her home away from home.

It really got me reminiscing about my freshman year of college, and remembering the horrific, I mean wonderful experience I had my freshman year just five short years ago.

Here's what I learned...

(These are strictly my humorous opinions, and should not be taken too literally. Thankyouverymuch.)

1. When you move into your dorm, recruit as much help as possible. Especially if you live on the top floor.

2. Just because you're finally away from your parents, doesn't mean you can adopt every stray animal you see on campus. I tried.

3.  Let your grandparents come visit as much as possible. They bring cookies. And take you out to lunch.

4. If you decide to throw a HILLS party, make sure you invite people who actually like THE HILLS. Because they won't show up. Lauren Conrad, I apologize for the disgrace.

5. If you get bored, find a Wal-mart. They're everywhere. And open 24/7.

6. If you run out of anything, chances are somebody on the floor has it. Perks of living in close quarters. 

7. Try your best to live on the top floor, even if it's a pain to walk up. You might have neighbors like me, who tap dance with sandals late at night. Your welcome second floor.

8. If you're starting freshman year during an election year, make sure you're roommate likes the same candidate that you do. It can get ugly.
9. If you ever wondered what you would look like at 500 lbs, don't. Please don't.

10. If you decide to throw a Christmas party before everyone leaves for Winter Break, make sure you're not the only one in the festive spirit. It can be embarrassing.

11. The boyfriend you had in high school, the one that followed you to college, it won't last forever. And thank God every day that it didn't. You might just meet the one you're going to marry.

12. If you room with one of your best friends from high school, be prepared to learn a lot of things about them you never knew before. Like they like to meet boys online, they have boyfriends all over the country that know your address, or they Skype with their backwoods West Virginia boyfriend when you're trying to sleep at 2am.

13. When you learn those things you never knew about your friend, you might end up hating their guts. Screaming, crying and calling your mom always help.

14. When you finally hate their guts, don't decide to live with them again your sophomore year. They will break your salt & pepper shakers, and you'll find out on Facebook.

15. Make as many friends as possible. You never know who your next best friend will be. Or won't be.

Thanks to Ady over at When In Doubt Just Add Glitter for the Throwback Thursday Link-up!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Wedding Wednesday: Will You Be My Bridesmaid?

Well it's about darn time.

I believe I promised to show y'all how I asked my girls to be my bridesmaids a month ago.
In all honesty, the projects I set to create took much longer than expected.
Not to mention, I had to ask all the girls before I posted anywhere for them to see!

So without further ado, I present to you...

"Will You Be My Bridesmaid?"

If you know anything about me, you know I'm a pretty crafty person.
Well, I try my best to be.

Ever since I was sixteen, I have loved scrapbooking.
I love the idea of documenting special life moments, in hopes of showing generations to come.
So when I was thinking of a special way to ask my girls, a way that fit my personality, the clear answer was scrapbooking.
The idea behind the books was to document the friendship that I've shared with each girl individually. Our journey through life together, remembering the good times, the fun times and of course, the silly times.

 Each girl received their own personalized box.
The boxes were each wrapped in three different ribbons: burlap, silk and ruffled.
And then monogrammed with a pink, glitter, ombre initial.

Inside the box, laid their personalized scrapbook ontop of pink chevron tissue paper.

The Bridesmaids scrapbooks were a pink and orange floral print, with picture opening, as well as a title opening at the bottom. I adorned each book with a pink fabric flower.

The Maid of Honor scrapbook was intended to stand out from the others. The burlap scrapbook was wrapped in a coral and pink chevron ribbon, and adorned with a pink fabric flower.

As the girls opened their book, the first page was personalized to them specifically.

Since my Maid of Honor is my sister, I chose to set up her book differently. Since Whitney and I have SO many memories, I set her book up in storybook form.

(I'll share her entire book in another post because it's so darn cute, and I'm not ashamed to admit it :P )
But the rest of the ladies, each just had photo collages of different times we shared together, without the words. 

To top each book off, I had a surprise ending.
Each book had a big question to ask each of the girls.

And last, but certainly not least...

I thought all my girls really liked their books, and loved seeing the memories we've shared together over the years. Luckily for me, they all said YES! and I have four beautiful bridesmaids to accompany me on my wedding day!


If I could offer any suggestion to a bride looking to ask her favorite ladies to be bridesmaids in her upcoming wedding, I would say find a unique way that fits YOUR personality. Scrapbooks worked perfect for me because I love scrapbooking, and my friends all know that. It means the most to them, if it reflects your personality and your friendship you've shared over the years.

**If you have any questions on where I found the materials to make the books, please feel free to comment, or email me at (which is the email linked directly to my blog)


Happy Wednesday!