
Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Second Grade, Here I Come

I'm changing up my normal list of What I'm Loving Wednesday with Jamie, and sticking to one BIG thing that I'm loving this week!


Monday, Cody and I headed to my school to move some things into my classroom.
As you know, I'm a new teacher, but I can finally say it's not my first year anymore.
Bless my heart.

Last year, I was so blessed to be offered a teaching position in fifth grade. It really was a dream come true, and a lot of prayers answered. Little did I know, it was going to be one of the toughest years of my life.

They say your first year teaching is the hardest, and now I know why.
It's TRUE. It's HARD.
But I learned so much (What I learned My First Year Teaching post coming soon!) and now know what I want to do different for next year.

But now that I'm going to be teaching students shorter and smaller than me (I'm only 5'2), I have started planning for the school year and collecting things here and there that I think might work.

Here's a look at my unorganized, not put together, messy new classroom. :)

My sweet little desks.
My very own door

My own bulletin board, and very own future hubby. :)
That corner is going to be my library.
The bookbag hangers.
Dividing wall.
White board.
Teacher's corner.
My new bench that Cody so thoughtfully put together!
Two for second! :)
I can't wait to share how my classroom comes along.
I promise it'll get more organized. :)
  Happy Wednesday y'all!


  1. Stumbled upon your blog today. Congrats on your new position. I'm a teacher as well and can say each year gets easier and more and more fun! :)

  2. Being a teacher looks like so much fun!! I want my own classroom to decorate!

  3. Congrats on the new position! This is going to be my third year, and I can tell you, the second year really is easier, even if you are changing grade levels! :)

  4. Yay! I can't wait to see it all put together! :) I'm jealous you're already in your room, our building is being totally gutted and renovated so we don't get back in until the FIRST of August. Yes, 5 days before school STARTS. Stressful! Cody is such a great man to help you! :)

  5. Hey, I happened upon you because I follow Ashley. I am also a teacher who started in 5th grade, which was a year from you know where and then moved to second grade. This is my second year in second grade and I love it!
