
Monday, July 1, 2013

Weekend Recap: Grandparents of the Year

And the award for grandparents of the year goes to...

These cuties.

Friday, I had dinner with these two fellas.

Paul's wife, Ashley, was taking care of her little sister who had surgery this past week. We missed her so much, but knew she had bigger responsibilities to take care of. :)

Saturday, Cody and I took a drive in the jeep to the town where we hope to move in the next year. Right now we're renting his parent's old house, but hope to someday buy one to call our own. We did a little shopping, then headed back home to watch the NASCAR race that night, that unfortunately got rained out.

*Fun Fact: We're huge NASCAR fans. The 5-time Champ is my guy. :) #56 is Cody's guy!

 Sunday I headed to my mom's house to plan some more wedding details. We stopped by my grandparents house, and snagged that adorable picture of them for fun. They were good sports. :)

In wedding news, I actually made a decision. (This is difficult for me.) 
I picked out straws.

Coral. Orange. & Bubblegum.

One decision made, many more to go.

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