
Monday, July 8, 2013

Weekend Shenanigans: Fourth of July, Take Two

Busy Monday = LATE Blogpost
Better late than never, right?


Down south we've had some pretty crazy weather the last few days. We don't normally see so much rain this time of year, but it seems like this WHOLE YEAR it rains every time I look out the window. 

Due to the icky rain, many July 4th celebrations were either cancelled or postponed. Luckily, the fireworks show we planned on watching was postponed until Saturday. So our Fourth festivities drug on for a few days.
I'm not complaining!

My grandparents live on a little bit of land not too far from my parent's house. A church right near their house puts on the BEST fireworks display every Independence Day. So we packed up our tent and chairs and did a little tailgating in their driveway before the big show. 
[Prepare for picture overload.]

Of course we had some yummy food and drinks to enjoy before the show began!

And then whatta ya know...

Surprise, surprise.
Luckily, the storm passed over quickly, and we were able to go back out,wait for the fireworks and play with sparklers. :)

And finally, the show began.

The church did a GREAT job and put on a GREAT show!
Food + Family + Fireworks = Fantastic Fourth

I hope your Weekend Shenanigans were just as festive :)


  1. OMG your grandparents with the pictures ever!!!!!!

  2. I was so bummed when our shows got canceled I'm glad you got to watch some, the 4th just isn't the same without them!!

  3. Yay for finally seeing fireworks! Ours are rescheduled for this Saturday so we're going to stretch the holiday as much as possible.

    P.S. Why does your hair always have to look so good? It's really unfair.
