
Monday, July 15, 2013

Weekend Shenanigans: Mmmm...Motorboatin'

My last week of complete freedom!

It's true.
This is my last week of summer.
Next week I'll be attending a county orientation, as well as new teacher orientations.
 (Even though I was in the same school and county last year as a full-time teacher)

To kick off my final week of sleeping late, being lazy and doing whatever I want when I want, we had an AMAZING time on the lake Saturday and Sunday with some of our closest friends just "Mmmm....motorboatin'." :)

We meet up with Paul, Ashley and Ryan early to try and enjoy the lake in case any rain dampened our day.  
Because apparently Atlanta is the new Seattle, and it rains here everyday. 

Saturday morning was quite a shocker to this Georgia Peach.
If you have EVER been to a state in the south, in the middle of July, you know dang well you're going to be sweating your butt off by 11am.
You're praying for temps to hit below 90 in July.
My long-sleeve button down was hardly protecting me from the chilly wind.

Okay, enough of my rant.
Luckily for us, the day warmed up, sun tried to peek through the clouds and we ended up having so much fun.

We started off riding around, bundled up because it was so chilly!

 Eventually, we got brave and decided to hit the water.
The water was warmer than the air luckily!
The boys showed off. :)
And we just looked cute. :)
 Somehow, I got Cody to make that face!
And we ended the day with dinner and a little floating around afterwards.


We ate lunch before we hit the water with Paul and Ashley.
We weren't as lucky with the weather, because as soon as we left the dock...

 It poured.

Once we got out of the rain, we hit the waves again and headed to a cove.
The guys did a little fishing, and we did a little laying in the sun clouds.
Eventually, the sun peeked through the clouds.

And we did a little swimming.
Especially baby Hank.
The sun was short-lived, and the rain was there to stay.
So we packed up, Ashley and I hit the boat cab, and let the guys get us back home.

Great way to start the week. 
Happy Monday y'all :)


  1. I was wondering where all of our rain went, ha ha! I live pretty close to Seattle and our weather has been oddly amazing!
    Still looks like you had an amazing time at the lake!!
    Stopping by from Weekend Shenanigans ♥

  2. I would imagine no matter what the weather taking the boat out is awesome! My in-laws have one and I love going out on it!
