
Thursday, August 29, 2013

Throwback Thursday: Bulldog Gameday

By now, y'all know how excited I am about Saturday.
Win or lose, I'm still pumped that it's my favorite season of all - football season. 

This time of year always gets me reminiscing about all my Athens memories, between the hedges or downtown, even away games. It doesn't matter. 
I wouldn't trade them for the world.

Here's a few of my favorites:

Georgia vs. Kentucky
Athens, 2007

Georgia vs. Alabama
Tuscaloosa, 2007

Georgia vs. Auburn
Athens, 2007 

Georgia vs. South Carolina
Columbia, 2008

Georgia vs. Florida
Jacksonville, 2009

Georgia vs. Boise State
Atlanta, 2011

Georgia vs. Florida Atlantic
Athens, 2012

And because you're begging so much, I'll show you some of my early years.
(You might want to stab your eyes out with a fork)

Georgia vs. Florida, Jacksonville 2004

Georgia vs. South Carolina, Columbia 2004

Georgia vs. Georgia Tech, Atlanta 2005
Georgia vs. South Carolina, Athens 2005
Many more memories to come Between The Hedges this year!
Sic 'em Dawgs!


  1. Aww love these! I hope I get to be a part of the "many more" :)

  2. This looks like so much fun!! So jealous of all these experiences - my college football team SUCKED!

    <3, Charlotte

  3. That one in Columbia in You need to start coming more!!
