
Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Wedding Wednesday: Will You Be A Groomsman?

Half way through the week.
The rest is all downhill. 
[Except tomorrow I have Curriculum Night until eight tomorrow evening and I'm kinda dreading it.]

But I know I promised this many moons ago, but I'm finally getting around to it.
I asked my bridesmaids to be apart of our day with scrapbooks, so I wanted to do something just as cute for our groomsmen. 

Now, it wasn't the manliest gift in the world, but I think Cody secretly thought they were adorable. He just won't admit it.

So remember, my inspiration was this:

A mustache.
A very manly mustache. 

Which turned into this:

And here's how:

Each groomsman's bucket had a chalkboard with the big question.
The theme was "Mustache You A Question."
Cody's brother, Cale, doesn't drink, so his was a little different.

Each bucket was wrapped in a chevron burlap ribbon, and adorned with a chalkboard label and fuzzy mustache.

Each bucket included a mason jar, wrapped with raffia and a tag that read "I {mustache} You a Question." In each jar, was a chevron paper straw with a mustache straw decoration.

We wanted to personalize each bucket with each groomsman's favorite liquor.

Paul loves rum and Coke, so it fit him perfectly.
They turned out amazing, but we still have two more groomsmen to ask.
How could they resist the 'stach? :)


  1. How sweet your husband let you do this! Pretty sure my hubs just asked over the phone haha!

  2. Hey!! I really loved this idea of asking to be groomsmen. You really did a great job in making everything best. I recently arranged my niece’s wedding at one of wedding venues Los Angeles and made amazing invitations for her bridesmaids. They all loved it a lot.
