
Monday, August 19, 2013

Weekend Shenanigans: A Glimpse of Fall

Dear Georgia,
You're confused.
You have lost your mind.
 The weather is wrong.
It's August.
Not October.
See you in two months.

A concerned citizen,

 I know I might be a rarity. 
I know everybody got all excited cause the temperature dropped below 70 degrees.
Not me.
I do love fall, don't get me wrong.
Football season. Boots & Scarves. Festive holiday decor.
It's all well and good.

 But I REALLY enjoy walking outside in the morning to take my dogs out in my shorts and t-shirt. Not freezing my butt off .
And NOT having to take 10 minutes to apply layers of clothing and to make sure Maci has on her tiny puff jacket.

But she does look REALLY cute :)
I guess I love the convenience, the ease of summer, the comfort.
I don't do well being cold.
So needless to say, I really want to enjoy the rest of summer and it's warmth. 
 So please Georgia, send some 80 degree weather my way.

This weekend, we I braved the weather, and had a great weekend with my fiance.
We haven't seen each other much during the week since I'm so busy at school, and staying late every night, so I was so glad we had time to spend together with no stress of school and work.
Friday night, we started off our weekend by attending a high school football scrimmage.
A local high school near to us was hosting my old high school for the game.
We thought it be fun to go, and I could show off my school pride. :)
My Rams lost, but made a nice comeback.
Cody and I were pretty proud.

Saturday, we asked Ashley and Paul to go to a car show with us and spend the day.
Cody LOVES cars (maybe a little obsessed), and I try my best to learn about them when he tells me things.
I've come a long way. :)

Saturday night, I tried my hand at bowling.
Bowling isn't my thing, and I finished last out of the four of us.
But Cody and I really did have a lot of fun!

Yesterday, we woke up at 12, and I was very thankful for that.
Whitney is moving back in with us today since she starts school back tomorrow.
So Cody and I cleaned the house, and got things a little more organized.
Being together, just cleaning, was perfectly fine with me.
I can't wait to marry him in 292 days. :)

Here's a few pictures from our weekend.


[Future Clemson QB]

Happy Monday y'all! 


  1. Aww I love our little 4some :) we had a fun weekend with y'all!

  2. I love the pics of the old trucks. Sounds like a great weekend!

  3. all I know is fall is here in MN too - though it's supposed to get to 91 tomorrow, and then back to fall by Thursday.
    hmmmmmm......If Georgia gets the memo can you pass it on to MN? I enjoy the feeling of fall and the smells but I don't do well being cold either!

    new follower!

  4. I agree with you on fall. I love it, but just not yet. It's too soon for boots and scarves. Please stick around a little longer, Summer.
