
Friday, September 27, 2013

Five On Friday

Better late than never, right?

I figured I could be a little productive and blog, rather than watch Cody repeatedly play Grand Theft Auto.
Yes, we're party people Friday nights.

So this evening, with two hours left of my Friday, I'm going to link-up with Darci at The Good Life for Five on Friday.

Number One

Jamie at Southern Simplicity posted this video on her blog, and it about brought tears to my eyes, I'm not even going to lie. She shares the same passion for the University of Georgia as I do, and this video is pretty amazing.
 Words can't even describe it.

Number Two

While we're on the topic of Georgia football, I'm pretty distraught that Cody and I won't be going to the game tomorrow.
It's a big game.
A HUGE game.
And we won't be there.

We have nobody to babysit our child (aka. Hank).
With us being gone from 7am-9pm, there's no way he can stay in his pin that long.
And Hank definitely can't be trusted to stay out.
[He ate a bottle of Gorilla Glue this morning while I was in the shower. What.]

So, if you want to know where I'll be tomorrow, I'll sitting [probably pacing due to nervousness] around my living room, cheering  [ok, yelling too.] on my Dawgs, and sending lots of prayers up to the college football gods, that Georgia upsets LS-WHO? ;)

At least I'll be joined by these two cuties.
And you better believe Maci and me will be wearing our gameday attire.

Number Three

It's official.
I've come down with a case of Fall Fever.
Apparently, I'm really behind in this.
Everybody's been hootin' and hollerin' about fall for weeks now.
I was still soaking up the warmth of summer.

Even though I'm still dreading the chilly mornings, I'm ready for some crockpot chili, Starbucks hot chocolate, and our annual pumpkin picking at Jaemor Farms. 

Number Four

I really wish I could show y'all the video of my kids from class today.
If you follow me on Instagram, you've probably seen my students "calling the dawgs."
It was freakin' adorable.

We have a magic number every morning duirng math calendar. 
This morning our number was '34'
Todd Gurley #3 + Keith Marshall #4 = Magic Number: 34

Instantly, the boys were intrigued.
They drew pictures of Keith Marshall and Todd Gurley the rest of the day.
My fault. ;)

Number Five

I have been engaged since July 2012.
When we got engaged, it seemed like an eternity until Cody and I were actually getting married. Just this past week, we booked a date for our engagement pictures.
Engagement pictures already?
I don't even feel ready for them.
I planned on having adorable outfits picked out.
I dreamed of having a decent tan.
I wanted to lose some weight.
And none of this has happened.
And now I only have a month to figure this out.
I don't know where time went.

Oh yes, I do.
It went into my 26, now 23, little babes in 2nd grade.

Got to get it together, y'all.

Happy one-hour left on the east coast Friday!


  1. Fall fever just hit me today! I was all busy decorating my classroom with fall decor :) I'm sure your engagement pictures will look fabulous, don't fret. Have a great weekend.
    Whitney @

  2. Engagement pictures, so exciting, and they'll be so pretty in the fall!

  3. Spray tans are amazing! My hubby and I had a long engagement too! Enjoy it :) I agree completely about soaking up summer.. I put on my first sweater today it was weird! Also, I would gladly take care of your baby he's adorable!! Have a great weekend!
