
Monday, September 9, 2013

Weekend Shenanigans: How 'Bout Them Dawgs?

Well that was one for the ages folks.
A much happier outcome than last week, don't ya think?
Well, not if your a Gamecock. :)
I can't tell you how ECSTATIC I was Saturday night, and it pretty much has rolled over into today. If you aren't sure what I'm talking about, the South Carolina Gamecocks rolled into Athens this weekend to play Georgia.
Georgia and South Carolina have a pretty deep rivalry, especially since Steve Spurrier became coach at USC. And honestly, Georgia doesn't have the best record against South Carolina in recent years. It's always a tough game. We won't even talk about last year in Columbia. (not a pretty game) This year was quite different, however.
Friday night, I had to go to the KIA dealership to pick up my new car.
This whole car buying experience has been a mess.
Long story short, I had to get a new car (yes, I just bought a new car) because the first car I bought had a defective part. Luckily, we did some exchanging and I was able to get the exact same car with no defective parts.
Unfortunately, I still had to go back Sunday to sign some final paperwork. 
But FINALLY, it's all taken care of, and my new non-defective car is mine all mine.

Once I left the dealership, Cody and I had a date night dinner together.
We started getting ready for the game the next day, including boiling peanuts.
It turned out to be the most GENIUS idea I've ever had.
I couldn't not bring something to the tailgate on Saturday, but honestly, I was pooped from my busy week and got home super late. 
I didn't want to make something that would take forever, but I still wanted to make something legit.
And then it hit me.

What southerner doesn't love boiled peanuts?
They're easy to make, good for snacking and perfect tailgate food.
And they cooked while I slept.
 (I'll post the directions and recipe later this week!)

Finally, it was game day.
The day I'd been waiting for all week.
Cody and I woke up early, and hit the road to Athens, boiled peanuts and cooler in tow.
We got to our tailgate around ten, a little later than we normally do, but it turned out pretty well. Greeted everybody we hadn't seen since the previous season, and set up shop.

I've been going to games since I was itty bitty.
My dad has had season tickets my entire life, so really this process is second nature.
We always tailgate with my dad and family friends I've known forever. 
It's always a good time, and Saturday was no different.
Lots of food, lots of barking and lots of cornhole.



Finally it was game time.
Cody and I headed in early, since we always seem to miss pregame.
Sanford Stadium was rocking Saturday.
I don't know I've ever heard it as loud as it was.
I know I was screaming my butt off, that's for sure.

The game was incredible.
Georgia had the upperhand the majority of the game.
And that became pretty obvious when the South Carolina coaches got into a fight with each other! Ridiculous.
I didn't see Spurrier throw his visor, but he did throw his clipboard and headset.
I'll take it. :)

Final Score - Georgia: 41 South Carolina: 30

My view on Saturday. Pretty awesome, huh?
Sunday, was such a relaxing day.
We stopped at KIA, and then Cody and I had lunch together.
After lunch, we stopped by Paul's parents house.
They have some woods behind their house that Cody and Paul have been known to head back there and try out their guns.
I tagged along yesterday, and had showed them how to shoot. ;)

We spent the rest of the day cleaning up our house, relaxing outside and dreading another work week.
Crossing my fingers that this one actually goes by fast.

Happy Monday y'all!



Wishing my Dad a very Happy Birthday today!
I love you!



  1. How awesome that this is a tradition you grew up with. Perhaps if I had done this with my dad I would appreciate football more...nah probably not :)

  2. Oh my gosh your pictures make me miss tailgating! I haven't been in a couple of years but it looks like you guys had a blast on Saturday :)

  3. You take amazing pictures. Glad your car is straightened out. They should have thrown in an extra upgrade for you for your trouble! And you're right, us southerner's love some broiled peanuts!!!
