
Monday, September 16, 2013

Weekend Shenanigans: Through Instagram

After a pretty long and rough week, it was nice to have such a fun weekend.

Friday night we headed to Paul and Ashley's house for Paul's birthday party.
Ashley planned a surprise party for him, inviting all his friends and family.
It was Cody's job to keep Paul busy while Ashley got everything together. 
She did a great job with food for everybody, especially those dang chicken and cheese nachos.
[I've been craving them ever since.]
Bonfire, games and a liquor piñata for the birthday boy.


Saturday, Cody and I had headed to Suzi and Tyger's house for a party.
Suzi and Tyger adopted our sweet little flower girl, Elizabeth Grace, almost three years ago.
I love seeing her, and thinking just how adorable she'll be walking down the isle.

Sunday, Cody was at the Falcons game on the field as a "ball boy."
What does a ball boy do?
Keeps a ball in play at all time.
His dad has done it for a few years, and Cody always gets to when one of the regular guys can't make it.
So since I was left with Hank and Maci, I was able to plan some lessons and grade some papers.

And if you thought you sucked at spelling, try being a second grader.
I'll leave you with this attempt of the word, "sheep."

Life is tough in second grade.

Link up with Sami y'all.


  1. Looks like such a fun weekend! I LOLed at the sheep drawing. I teach at high school and while I get hilarious mistakes, they usualllllllyyyyy know how to spell sheep. usually being the key word ;)

  2. Looks like such a fun weekend. That's awesome what Cody gets to do at the football games! And OMG about that sheep picture, LOL!!!

  3. that little girl will be precious!!

    xo, sarah grace

  4. Haha, I love a good misspelling, it can make any day instantly brighter! :) Your weekend looked so fun!
