
Friday, October 25, 2013

Five on Friday

It's Friday y'all!
That means Five on Friday with Darci at the good life and the rest of the gals.
And this week, it's wedding themed.


I can't believe the day is finally here. 
I've been stressing about this for weeks.
Hopefully, my stress level comes way down and I'm able to relax for the pictures. 
Hopefully, I don't look like Ricky Bobby.

Here's to hoping I know what to do with my hands.


I don't know if I have mentioned this before, but our Save the Date's are going to be a Save the Date/Christmas card. We plan on sending them out the day after Thanksgiving.
Here's some of my Christmas/Save the Date ideas via Pinterest.




I'm going to get my hair done today at a salon.
I have a really good reason for this.

Every time I try to do my hair for a big event, where I want it to look really awesome, it looks terrible. [Of course when I do my hair to go to Target it usually looks amazing.]

I'm trying to save myself the pressure, and let someone else do my hair for me.
I'm just hoping I don't look like Shirley Temple, and more like these ladies:



Lucky for me, the high on Friday is 54 degrees.
And it's not even January people.
Lucky for me, I picked a short sleeve, short dress with a cute fall scarf to wear for my pictures.
No turning back now.
I have to be brave and suck it up.

Here are a couple of pictures that inspired me for my outfits:


I showed y'all two props I bought for our pictures on Monday.

blanket & "love you more" sign
At Hobby Lobby on Tuesday, I found the most adorable pillow to add to the collection.

"I Do" pillow from Hobby Lobby
We also have a strand of Christmas lights and a red checkered quilt.
Hopefully we can work these items in there somehow!


Wish me luck y'all.
Pray that I know what to do with my hands ;)

Follow me on

to keep up with our engagement picture preparation and picture sneak peeks!



  1. Hi there! Newest follower :) Your engagement pics will be beautiful! Oh how I wish Pinterest was around when I was engaged/married. Can't wait to see how they turn out!

  2. Good luck with your pictures today! Remember to just have fun! They will turn out beautiful I am sure! I love the pillow! HL is the best!

  3. Eeeek! I remember when we did our engagement pictures. It was such a fun day! LOVE your save the date idea and all of you props and ideas for your shoot. I'm so excited for you! Can't wait to see the pictures :)

  4. oh my heavens so glad I found your blog- you are too cute- when we did our engagements pics last year I made honey have a bourbon drink before and it made all the difference! haha (love the ricky bobby reference) Can't wait to see some pics! Enjoy your weekend!

  5. I'm so excited for you!! Can't wait to see how they turn out!!

  6. Excited to see your pictures! Hopefully yours will give me some idea for mine, too!

  7. Omg I can't wait to see your pictures!!! You're going to be beautiful!!!! Have fun love!

  8. girl you know i'm PUMPED for these pics!!! in the location where it was meant to be all along...! :)

    love the save the date ideas too! you're the cutest!!


  9. Ohh yay!! Can't wait to see them! We had wanted to send out a Save the Date holiday card too - but we still had not locked in a location for our venue. I was bummed!

  10. Don't stress, they will turn out great! But I know what you mean about the hair, that always happens to me too. I can't figure out why! I think it's because we put too much pressure on ourselves sometimes. Also, your props are so cute!

  11. Engagement pictures are so much fun! You'll look great I'm sure. Love the idea of making the save the date a Christmas card too! So clever! Have so so much fun!!!!

  12. New to your blog! I hope your engagement pictures went well- I'm sure they turned out great! I've taken engagement pictures for others but haven't been on the other side. (Love the Talladega Nights reference by the funny!!!)

  13. Found your blog through the link up! I'm a newlywed and I'm sure you're going to look gorgeous! Just be yourself. My husband and I were TERRIBLE at taking pictures for our engagement and wedding. My favorite pictures were the ones we weren't even trying in. (p.s. Go Dawgs!)

  14. Hope everything went well and yall did not freeze!!

  15. I'm utterly behind in blog reading so apologies for the delay but I love everything about this!!! I'm definitely NOT reading this during my grad class but if I was I probably LOLed in class at your Ricky Bobby statement. Hilarious. I can't wait to see your pictures and your hair is always perfect. Kristen and I would always hold up the back in class and be so envious of your hair. It was perfect at 8am...sickening! :) I'm so excited for your wedding festivities to begin!!!!
