
Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Wedding Wednesday: Meet the Maids {Kelly}

It's time for another Meet the Maids!
And I know I've been a little scattered with these, but this will catch us up.

{Meet Kelly}

Kelly is my bridesmaid that I've known the longest.
(Aside from my Maid of Honor being my little sister)

She lived next door to me from when I was a wee baby until we moved when I was thirteen.
Kelly is a few years older than me, which was trouble when I was younger.
I would have done anything to be like Kelly.
Which got me in a loooooooot of trouble.
It was fun trouble of course.

Like yelling out my bedroom window at my neighbors, and then ducking so they didn't know it was me. Even though they knew it was my bedroom, and I was the only kid around dumb enough to do that. I swear it made sense when I was seven.

Or the time we made my little sister Whitney flick off the neighbors because she didn't know any better. And I probably didn't either. I just knew it was funny cause Kelly thought it was funny.

We had a lot of good times together, but it wasn't like that after we moved.
We lost touch.
We grew up and grew apart.

But lucky for us, we reunited about two years ago, and I'm so glad we did.
We picked up right where we left off, having the most hilarious times together.

Kelly is going to add a lightness and sense of humor to my big day, that nobody else could provide. I'm so glad she said yes, and can't wait to add another chapter to our book.


  1. you are so stinking adorable. Fabulous post, love. If you get a free moment, I'd love to hear your thoughts on my latest. :) xo

  2. what a fun post for wedding Wednesday :)

    have a happy day!!!


  3. What a cute way to introduce your bridesmaids!

  4. Don't you just love friendships that come right back where they left off? The best!

  5. Cute cute cute! This is such a clever way to honor your bridesmaids. So sweet. Love it! And your blog is darling! :)
