
Monday, October 7, 2013

Weekend Shenanigans: Dawgs on [Rocky] Top

I survived people.
My heart didn't stop beating.
My ears didn't fall off from hearing "Rocky Top" on repeat.
But most importantly, Georgia survived too.


WARNING: Football talk ahead. If you don't care, skip down for pictures from the weekend. :)

Georgia went into Knoxville heavily favored.
And came out extremely beat up by a strong Tennessee team.
It wasn't a game anybody really expected, but you can't predict injuries.
And that's exactly what crushed Georgia.

Four players, some of our BEST players, were done early.
Some even done for the season.
Unfortunately, our injuries allowed Tennessee a glimmer of hope.
Hope to upset the #6 team in the country.

Cody and I talked about the game on the way home today.
"How did Georgia win that game?" I asked.
We both couldn't really put our finger on it.
Eventually, we came to the conclusion it was luck and possibly, destiny.
(Maybe a little Larry Munson and a hobnailed boot as Andy at Behind the Hedges suggested Saturday evening.)

Tennessee went up on Georgia with roughly three minutes left in the entire game.
Somehow, Aaron Murray drove Georgia down the field with seconds remaining.
After three failed attempts to the endzone, Murray had one last throw to tie the game.
Somehow, with five seconds remaining, it happened.
We tied the game.

I almost died.
Like my heart wasn't hurting enough with those final minutes.
Now I had to endure it even longer.
But thank God we had another opportunity.

Tennessee got a touchdown.
At least that's what 100,000 Tennessee fans thought.
But instant replay told a different story.
Fumble in the endzone.
Georgia ball.

All we needed was a field goal to win.
And that we did.
Dawgs win.

Screaming. Yelling. Jumping up and down.
The dream was still alive.

It made the walk back to the car and the four hour drive home much easier.
Dawgs came out on top.

It's great to be a Georgia Bulldog.


Don't bring your ACC trash to SEC games. You might get beat up by really big men.

I do not know what is in that jar. Thank you.


What was your weekend like?
Link up with Sami at Sami's Shenanigans for your Weekend Shenanigans!


  1. Stopping by from Sami's Weekend Update! It looks like you had an awesome time. We were worried about the Dawgs too, but they somehow pulled it off! My father lives in Athens, and my fiance's family is from Madison!! Have a great rest of the week!

  2. My husband and I were out and about for most of the game on Saturday and I looked at my ESPN app and saw how the game was so close with only 3 minutes left and we instantly hopped in the car and headed to the nearest restaurant with a TV so we could watch. I wasn't even worried about that game, but I am glad I didn't miss the end! Go Dawgs!!!

  3. I love that top picture of yall! Cute cute cute

  4. awesome look gorgeous, girlie!!!


  5. Aww I'm a Vols fan true and true! That was an awesome game though! The kind of football I like to see regardless of the fact that we lost. Love your blog :)
