
Monday, October 21, 2013

Weekend Shenanigans: Lazy Fall Days

It's Monday again y'all.
Aren't we thrilled?

Lucky for me, I have a short week.
I decided to take Friday off for "personal leave."
AKA. Engagement Pictures

I know I don't want it to be a stressful day.
The more relaxing the better, and I have a bunch to do in preparation.
I might be taking this too seriously?

Anyway, onto my Weekend Shenanigans, linking up with Sami at Sami's Shenanigans.

Friday, Cody and I had a dinner date.
HE even suggested we go to my FAVORITE restaurant in the whole world, Cheeky.
And that was extremely rare, because he doesn't care for it.
Although, I think his mind might have changed Friday night. 
Or at least I hope so! :)

Saturday, we slept a lot later than we planned.
But it was soooooo worth it.
We got up and got ready to watch the Georgia game.

Maci and I were twins, so we had to snap some "mommy and mini" pictures!

 Unfortunately, the game didn't go like we hoped.
In fact, it went the complete opposite.
Actually, I think the season has started to go in a direction that no Georgia fan expected.
In the college football world, it seems like a lot of fans can say that now after Saturday.
Lots of surprises. Lots of upsets And lots of injuries.

But nonetheless, we cheered on our Dawgs and will continue doing so through the ups and downs.

  Maci doesn't care either way.
As long as her belly gets rubbed.

Cody and I planned on going shopping for engagement picture outfits after the game, but it didn't quite work out like we planned.
We're going to have to scramble within the next few days to make sure we look extra good lookin' by Friday.

I did find some props for our pictures, that I'm pretty excited for!
Thank you TJ Maxx.

 Totally excited to see how we can use these.

Sunday, I headed to my mom's house, Hank and Maci in tow.
Cody was working the Falcon's game against Tampa Bay, so I figured it was a good day to go shopping.
Whitney, my sister, tagged along and helped me pick out some clothes and jewelry for our pictures.

I'll keep them a secret until our pictures :)
 I think it's going to look pretty cute!
Let y'all know soon! 

I hope your weekend was wonderful, and your week is even better!


  1. MELTING over the pup pics. BLESS! and glad you took fri off. you deserve to enjoy and soak in the goodness of the whole day!!! and you'll look so darlin all dolled up after the pics, that y'all will have to go on a little dateydate too!


  2. Engagement pictures are SO fun! You will have a blast!

  3. I was bummed about the game too (when the Cats aren't playing we cheer for the Dawgs-you can't name your daughter Georgia and not have a little dawg in you HA!) Can't wait to see the engagement pics!! XOXO

  4. I am loving the picture of you and your matching mini me! So cute! I was sad that GA lost on Saturday. There were so many upsets this weekend it has really shaken things up! LOVE your prop for your engagement pictures!

  5. Sorry for the loss! At least you have a cute puppy to cuddle with :) I hear ice cream helps, too.

    Love the sign. TJ Maxx can be such an awesome place to score some goodies.

  6. ohhh how cute that y'all dressed the same!! I love it! sorry about the loss :(
    Helene in Between

  7. Let's talk about how ridiculously cute your dog is?!

  8. I can't WAIT to see y'all's engagement pics!! The prop is presh!
