
Monday, November 18, 2013

Weekend Shenanigans: Backstreet's Back

I'm not going to complain about this Monday.
Monday's are always more motivational when you know the next week you have the ENTIRE week off.
I see the light at the end of the tunnel y'all.
We can make it!

This weekend was yet another relaxing one, as I spent the weekend at my mom's house.
Cody went hunting with my step-dad, Chuck.
So instead of spending the weekend alone at home, I headed over to my mom's house after school Friday evening.

We ended up staying in Friday night, eating pizza and watching TV.
I went to bed early, like usual.
My week's kick my butt.

Saturday, we woke up and did some shopping.
I got two cute lamps from Hobby Lobby, which was pretty exciting. :)

Georgia played an amazing game, despite losing very dramatically.
Couldn't be more proud of my Dawgs for coming back from a huge deficit, and almost beating the 7th ranked team in the country.
We went back to the house, and got ready for some friends coming over.
My mom invited her two girlfriends, and I was lucky enough to hang out with two of my bridesmaids, my sister, Whitney, and my friend, Kelly.

We had a pretty typical time.
Lots of fun. Lots of d...dancing.
And of course, reminiscing on the good ol' days with some 90's music on the boombox.
You know... 
Backstreet Boys. Spice Girls. N'SYNC. 
We got a little carried away.
Or maybe I just did.

The lounge?

I should get paid for these performances.

Sunday, I stayed in my pajamas until 4 that afternoon.

And Cody came home with some exciting news!
Well, not for the deer he brought back with him...

Not something I could do, but I was proud for Cody.
It's what he enjoys, and he had a good time with his future [step?] father-in-law.
Which means a lot to me.

And we then watched Jimmie Johnson win his 6th championship!!! :)

 Hope everybody had a fantastic weekend!
Countdown to Thanksgiving Break begins NOW.

Link up with Sami for your Weekend Shenanigans!


  1. yay for thanksgiving break!!!! and the boombox dance party sounds perfect beyond words.

  2. What a fun weekend with your mom! Girls weekends are good for the soul :-)

  3. Love me some Hobby Lobby!!! Oh the days of belting out those fantastic songs. I love reminiscing like that! Looks like a great weekend with the girls!

  4. Can you believe I have never been inside a hobby lobby? But we have one opening near me soon - I am so excited!

  5. You are too cute!!! Looove Hobby Lobby :) Yayy for getting a deer!!

  6. Looks like you had a fun weekend! I just found your blog from Sami! xox I am obsessed with hobby lobby too! they JUST built one by me and I am stoked! Although my wallet isn't...

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