
Monday, November 4, 2013

Weekend Shenanigans: Gators Eat Boogers

Happy Monday blog world!
What a fine Monday it is.
You know why?

[hence the title of this post.]

Before I get carried away with my FAVORITE part about this weekend, let me catch you up with Friday before I go on any further.


Well, I saw this coming.
I saw my Friday afternoon coming a mile away, headed towards me like a freight train.
The day back to school after Halloween is probably the worst day out of the entire school year. You know your kids stayed up late. You know they probably gained like six cavitys from eating so much candy. And you definitely know that a combination like that is leathel in the world of education.

My kids came in Friday morning chatty, but nothing I couldn't handle. They were obviously playing a cruel trick on me the first half of the day, because after lunch they snapped. The sugar crash, mixed with tiredness left me with three kids majorly melting down. Crying. Rolling on the floor. Yelling. Stomping.

Somehow, I managed to push through, waved enthusiastically goodbye to my kids, and hit the road home to see my future hubby.

After such a pleasant afternoon, I was more than thrilled when Cody asked me if I wanted to go out to dinner just the two of us and relax the rest of the evening. We stuffed ourselves full of chili cheese fries, and called it a night.

It was definitely perfect for this girl.


Saturday was the day that every Georgia fan waits for throughout the year.
It doesn't matter your record, or if your team isn't having the best year.
Georgia vs. Florida is always an intense rivalry.
And this game was no different.

Cody and I woke up, hit the grocery store and got ready to watch the game.
It was nice hanging out just the two of us, being silly and having fun with just us.
He even put up with some yelling at the TV from me, and somehow managed to tolerate me jumping and screaming like a maniac when the Dawgs finally won.

Here's what our day looked like:

This is my gator chomp impression.
And this is my CHOMP THIS impression.

It's GREAT to be a Gator Hater!
Go Dawgs!


Our original plan was to take my mom out to lunch on Sunday for her birthday this week.
However, she was feeling a little under the weather today, so our plans changed.
We decided to do dinner on Tuesday for her actual birthday, instead.

Even though we didn't go to dinner, we drove down to my grandparent's house to meet my parents to let our dogs run and visit.

It was a beautiful fall day, so it was nice to sit outside and let our little babes exercise.
Plus, I got to see my precious little Nannie and Poppie. :)

 What did y'all do this weekend?
Link up with Sami at Sami's Shenanigans and let us know! 


  1. Looks like a fun weekend! I love your plaid shirt! So cute!!

  2. Yay Dawgs!!! I have always been a gator hater! They usually play so dirty! I could have done without the almost fight, but whatever. Your weekend picture are so cute and very fall! Have a great week!

  3. I may not be a Georgia fan but I will always be a Gator Hater so I'm right there with you celebrating their loss! Looks like a great weekend.

  4. This gator hater post is hilarious! Stopping by from the linkup!

    Happy Monday!
    Forever Young

  5. I love your Georgia infinity scarf!!!! :)
