
Monday, November 25, 2013

Weekend Shenanigans: There's No Place Like Home

Happy Monday everyone!

It's a very happy Monday for me!
I have the entire week off - benefits of being a teacher, right?

We had an amazing weekend, celebrating the last home game of the season in Athens.

We kicked off our weekend on Friday by dealing with MORE ring issues.
Can I just say I'm completely over this process?
Nobody should have to deal with this.
Once we get everything squared away with my ring situation, I'll gladly share this nightmare.
We think we have the thing figured out, but we'll find out Monday hopefully.
Not getting my hopes up quite yet.

Saturday, we headed to Athens early that morning.
In the south, it doesn't matter what time of day the game starts, you get there early.
What's a game without a little tailgating?

We ate breakfast at our favorite spot, the Mayflower.
It's been a tradition ever since I can remember.
And then we headed back to our spot for some good ol' Georgia tailgating.

It was senior day in Sanford Stadium, so we were celebrating all the amazing seniors who have made the last few seasons at Georgia so memorable.
Our seniors will all be missed.
Dawgs for life.

Georgia played a great game, despite losing our senior quarterback, Aaron Murray, early in the game. We all hope for a quick and healthy recovery for Aaron. 

Cody and I got home super late, which meant we had a very lazy Sunday.
After picking up Hank, we took naps and sat on the couch alllllllllllllllllllllll day.
It was perfect.

Here are some pictures from the weekend.
"A place that gets in your blood, and stays forever."

This place is like coming home. 
Until next year, Athens. 
Go Dawgs. 

Hope your weekend was amazing!
Link up with Sami at Sami's Shenanigans to share your weekend!


  1. Sunday nap days are the best! And so is tailgating :) Looks like a fab weekend!

  2. Beautiful city and adorable outfit!


  3. beautiful pics of lovely Athens!

  4. aww great photos. Lucky you are off for the week! But, I can't complain for a short work week either! =D

  5. You are too cute!! Looks like a BLAST! Love the new design!

  6. Looks like a fun weekend! These are great pictures! You and your man are too cute!

  7. Sounds like a great weekend! Loved the pics!

  8. What gorgeous photos! Sounds and looks like you had a blast!! I've never been tailgating before, I definitely feel like I am missing out on something!

  9. Looks like such a fun weekend and I love all the pics- the leaves are amazing colors! We live in CA so don't really get a Fall and I miss it! New to your blog so wanted to say hi! Can't wait to follow along :)

