
Thursday, December 12, 2013

Cheers to a New Year {April.May.June}

Normally the only reason I look forward to Thursday is because it's that much closer to Friday.
But I'm SUPER excited for this Thursday!
It's day number two of the "Cheers to a New Year" link-up!

We started the link-up last week, highlighting all the memorable moments that happened in January, February & March of 2013. 

Here are my lovely co-hosts!
Ashley @ A Thousand Words

Each week we highlight three more months, saying goodbye to 2013 and hello to 2014!
December 5th - January, February & March
December 12th - April, May & June [open until Wednesday]
December 19th - July, August & September
December 26th - October, November & December

Make sure you link back with one of us, and share the scheduled months!
Have fun reminiscing on the year that's almost behind us, and don't hesitate from visiting other linked-up bloggers to make new friends for 2014! 

Peach State of Mind

Enjoy y'all!


As soon as I started thinking about what I did throughout April, May & June, I realized I had done A LOT more than at the beginning of the year. 
Prepare for picture OVERLOAD.
y'all think I'm kidding.


My "baby sista," Whitney, turned 21!

I did the Color Run with some cute ladies.
So much fun! Totally doing it next year!

Ashley.Paul.Cody.Me. went to the Jason Aldean concert at my favorite place in the entire world.
Jason Aldean. Sanford Stadium [Go Dawgs!]. In one night. 
Best concert EVER.


We spent some time on the lake with Paul & Ashley.
[Much needed stress relief from my wild 5th graders.]

One of my best friends, Brittany, had her baby shower!
It was a 'children's books' themed baby shower, and completely adorable.

 I was able to spend some time with my dad and his parents at the World of Coke in Atlanta!


June 1st marked the first day of Peach State of Mind!
I always wanted to blog, and finally worked up the courage to start.
I'm so glad I did!

Ashley asked me to shoot a wedding alongside her.
It was the first wedding she was shooting, and asked for a helping hand.
It was a lot of work, but a lot of fun!

I took a roadtrip to Auburn, Alabama to see my way prego friend Brittany before baby Luke was born.
So prego that she stopped at a movie theater just for a jumbo tub of popcorn. No movie. Oh and cupcakes. :)

We spent Father's Day with these crazy people!

And the last and BEST thing that happened in June..



Now it's your turn folks!
Since I've blown your mind with my pictures, I expect the same in return ;)


  1. This is so fabulous! What a great link-up! (I will wait and join for the summer months leading into September- no particular reason just to reflect on my WEDDING! hahaha) Can't wait!

  2. Okay, I SO wanted to go to that concert, I mean my Jakey Jake was playing, unfortunately tickets sold out so quick and I could never snag a pair :(

  3. I had a lot more going on during these months as well! SO many fun things happening :) Thanks for hosting this!!

  4. Oh my gosh, you did so much! How fun! And love this link up, I totally want to reminisce!
    I'm dying over your visit to your adorable pregnant friend. I TOTALLY craved that crappy, movie theater popcorn my whole pregnancy. I don't even like that stuff normally. But I ate it by the tubs when I was pregnant!

  5. I can't believe you even posted that picture of your dress! I mean yeah I know you can't tell ANYTHING but I've been hiding it under lock and key! Our Aprils were almost identical, I can't believe were in the same place at the same time so many time! I'm so glad June brought the birth of your blog :)

  6. You are too funny posting that picture of your dress! Adore!
    xo TJ

  7. That concert! I might have actually died if I was there seeing Jason, Luke, AND Jake! Holy smokes. I'm sure it was the greatest!

  8. YAY for both doing the color run in April!!! Wasn't it SUCH a blast?!
    Jealous of that concert...Ready for the Lake again....YOUR dress!!
    Love this post if you can't tell! :) Hope you're having a great Thursday!!

    P.S. I know why I love you so much...(besides your great blog) You have an identical twin that was in my sorority! True Fact.

  9. What a great way to be introduced to your blog for the first time. Great post :)

  10. Wine Warriors?? AWESOME team name for the Color Run! Were you able to save the colors in your shirt or did they all wash out?

  11. I'm dying to do the color run! It looks like so much fun. And the Aldean concert looks awesome! So jealous that you got to see him and Luke together!

  12. I was so excited to find this link up! That color run looks like a lot of fun.

  13. eeeeeeeeeeek, wedding dresssssssss!!!! :) :) I did The Color Run last year, & it was a blast!! Oh, Jake Owen you melt my heart. So much fun stuff this year for you!!

  14. Oh your summer looked so fun! Such a great little link up! Love your blog!

  15. I love that last color run photo! I enjoyed doing two of those last year! :)
