
Thursday, December 5, 2013

Cheers to a New Year Link-Up {January.February.March}

The day is finally here y'all!
It's the first day of the "Cheers to a New Year" link-up!

 The New Year is literally just around the corner.
So as we're all patiently standing in long lines at the mall, decking the halls with ribbons and bows, stuffing our bellies [thank God for jeggings, right?] with yummy holiday treats, we can take a moment to reflect on the year 2013.

What were the highlights?
What was most memorable to you?
Feel free to get lost in the memories and pictures that shaped your year.

Here are a couple rules before we get started:

1. Don't think you have to have been blogging since January to share your favorite memories! Feel free to reflect on your life before your entered the blog world! I will be!

2. Share the correct three months for that week. We don't want to get overwhelmed with all our fabulous memories from the year 2013 all at once, right? :)

3. Check out and link back to one or all of my amazing co-hosts!

Kerri @ A Sweet Georgia Peach
Ashley @ A Thousand Words
Miranda @ Life in the Lowcountry
Laura @ Happily Ever Parker

4.  Use the "Cheers to a New Year" link-up button to add to your post! Spread the word to all your followers so they can join in on the fun! {BUTTON AT THE BOTTOM}

5. Have fun! We can't wait to reflect on our year, and definitely can't wait to read about yours!

So think back real hard.
Way back to the beginning of the year.
Because today we're highlighting the months of January, February & March!


I have to be honest here.
I had a difficult time remembering what I did in January!
The beginning of the year always seems like such a blur.
But thank goodness for pictures to help remind me.

1. I turned 23 on January 7th! It was pretty low key, just celebrating with family.
2. Cody got rid of his truck! This was huge news in our house. It was his pride & joy. And somehow, he managed to part ways. Miss you Heavy Chevy :(
3. I was teaching fifth grade at the beginning of the year! And boy do I not miss it. :P


In February, I started hanging out with Ashley a lot! 
We're real life friends turned bloggers :)


 1. Maci & I celebrated St. Patrick's day by hunting for 4-leaf clovers! Even more exciting, she wore festive green ribbons for the occasion!
2. I spent some precious time with my dear, sweet Nannie.
3. Ashley & I went on some more adventures with the

boys. Driving a Honda Accord up a mountain turned out to be a bad idea.
4. Cody bought himself a brand new Jeep Wrangler! Yay for taking your top off! The jeep's top that is. ;)


Now it's your turn!
Grab the button.

Peach State of Mind

Link back up with Peach State of Mind and the other co-hosts.
Reminisce on 2013, and make new blog friends for 2014! :)

{Mark your calendars!}
Next link-up will be December 12th - April, June & July 

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