
Monday, December 16, 2013

Weekend Shenanigans: Ring[less] & More

Happy Monday blog friends!
One more week until this girl is free from school.
Until then, I'll be cramming last minute lessons, grading papers & planning for our party.
I may need a Starbucks salted caramel hot chocolate to keep my stress level under control!

Here's how our weekend went.


I was SO excited for Friday to come. 
We were finally picking up my new engagement ring, after the original ring nightmare that we had been dealing with for months. 
I was finally going to be "engaged" again.

 But no.
My dumb finger had to stand in the way.

The ring they ordered is too small.
Apparently, Neil Lane doesn't do quarter sizes.
It's either 4.5 or 5.
And guess who is right in the middle?
Yep. Me.

You wouldn't think it would be that big of a difference.  
But when I wore it for a day, and I went to take it off...
I needed soap, water & Cody's strength to pull it off my finger.
Eventually, the ring slid off - along with THE SKIN AROUND MY KNUCKLE.
I balled. Like a baby.

So now, I'm ringless again until we figure out yet another solution.
Lucky me.


My sister and I headed to my aunt's house to eat lunch together and decorate her Christmas tree. It was fun and festive, despite another rainy Saturday.

My attempt at posing her. [Sorry Esther - had to! :) ]

Once Whitney and I left there, we did some Christmas shopping with my mama.
I had my first Starbucks salted caramel hot chocolate. And I'm in LOVE! 


Cody and I did a little Christmas shopping of our own!
Well, we really just pointed out stuff that we wanted. :D
But I did buy these little babies!

Welcome to my childhood.
I needed "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" for a lesson we're doing this week, but the box set looked even better. And I just couldn't pass up the other one!
Soooooooo. I gave in.
Thanks Target, for making me purchase something I don't really need once again.

I hope everybody's weekend was fun and full of Christmas festivities!
Link-up with Sami @ Sami's Shenanigans to share your weekend!


  1. Go up the the next half size and have a white gold (or whatever metal) sizer put into the ring. They come in a thing that fits right in the ring and you can't see it. It is either long and skinny, or sometimes looks like little beads. You can't feel them. They had to do that to mine because if they sized my ring down anymore it was going to compromise the setting. The good thing is, later you can have them taken back out if need be.

  2. oh no about the ring :( but it will all work out!! you've convinced me...I need that starbucks drink in my life like five minutes ago :)

  3. Bless your heart over this terrible ring drama you are having. :(

  4. so sad about your ring - you'll get a perfect one soon, I'm sure!

  5. Bummer about the ring! I had to get mine sized after we got engaged and hated not having the bling to show off! Hope you get it fixed soon :( also I'm obsessed with Salted Carmels from Starbucks- yum!!!

  6. Oh my gosh! What a crazy thing with your ring! I hope you get can it soon! I love those ornaments!

  7. SO sorry about your ring. I hated when they took mine to have it sized:( and then the middle diamond FELL OUT. Thank god I noticed. So I was without a ring for yet ANOTHER two weeks after that.

  8. i'm a half size too! i hope you get it all sorted extra soon. i saw you on another blog--your post about college was funny!
