
Friday, January 10, 2014

Five on Friday

Hi lovely ladies.
Today we're linking up with Christina and the rest of the regular Five on Friday gals.


This was a pretty odd week - work wise.
I expected to head back to work on Monday for our teacher workday, plan for the week ahead, and get my kiddos back on Tuesday. You know, get back in a routine. [Which I was kinda ready for surprisingly.] But instead, Antarctica decided to expand it's borders and take over the country. So due to the negative degree wind chills, and single digit temps - school was canceled Tuesday. Throwing me completely off my motivated game.

I was way more motivated and mentally prepared to go back Monday and start kickin' some butt. But the extra random day off reminded me of how good it felt to sleep in instead of my normal 4:30 wake-up call. So my kids have been a little off the chain this week, but I was glad to get them back and see what Santa brought them for Christmas.


I celebrated my birthday this week [on our day off actually] with my future hubby and friends! 

Cody surprised me with a completely unexpected gift and flowers.
[Even though I put it on the blog on my wishlist, I totally wasn't expecting him to get it.]

Ashley @ A Thousand Words and her husband invited Cody & I over for a birthday dinner. We ended going out to eat Mexican instead, and they were kind enough [EVEN THOUGH THEY DIDN'T NEED TO] buy us dinner, and surprise me with a sweet gift and strawberry cupcake. :) And we'll ignore the fact that they made them sing to me and wear a 50lb sombrero.


In wedding news - we have our yummy cake tasting on Sunday & we're ordering the last bridesmaid dress. If you remember from last week, these are what I'm thinking about. I can't say I've picked one out yet. Oops.

via pinterest
And we FINALLY found somebody that could produce the invitations of my dreams.
I won't show them to y'all until we get them out to everybody in March, but these are the inspiration.

Wedding Paper Divas

I've been going a little soup crazy recently.
But this time of year makes me crave something warm and comforting.
We made a southwest chicken soup from my mom this week, which we both loved.
And this weekend I'm dying to try this:

Chicken Bacon Wild Rice Soup
 Bacon may not be diet friendly, but hey. Neither is wedding cake. :)
I will let y'all know how it turns out. Only if it's good.


And because I have nothing better to share, why not post a cozy picture of Maci. :)

Happy Friday y'all!


  1. I was absolutely fanatic about my wedding cake (taste more than looks) because I LOVE CAKE almost more than life. I hope you get exactly what you want out of yours! And happy late birthday, too! Have a great weekend!

  2. Stopping by from the link-up! Your inspiration for your cake and invites are so pretty, very classy :) What a sweet time you are experiencing! Happy belated birthday as well! Have a great weekend!

  3. What a wonderful weekend and happy belated birthday!! Enjoy the cake tasting and the rest of the weekend!!

  4. Dog photos always count in my book ;) Found you through the linkup. Happy Friday!

  5. I am loving the cake in the top right!! Wrap around flowers are so beautiful (:

  6. Loved the delays this week! A much needed way to ease back into work!

  7. Love this. Love the pics too. the cupcake looked yummy. how do you make the soup? if you have the recipe I'd love for you to share it. have you tried taco soup?

  8. Ohh I want a snow day!! But then again...not really! Too cold!

  9. Inspirations invitations are gorgeous! And your pooch Maci is adorbs, her and my Owen would get along nicely :)

  10. I'm glad you had a wonderful birthday and thank goodness for sweet friends! Even when you're motivated, having a day off is always a good thing. Have a great weekend!

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Happy Late Birthday!! Love the wedding cakes.. Just found your blog!!

  13. I am so glad the Polar Vortex has moved on! Despite the extreme cold temperatures I still had a normal work week but the warmer temperatures at the end of the week made it a bit more bearable. And gosh soup has been on my mind all the time since fall. I've made chili a couple of times and was planning to make a double batch of chicken enchilada soup today but I forgot. Now I'm sad because I'm not sure when I can make it this week if at all. It may need to wait until next weekend. :(

  14. Fun post. Love the pics! Love the cake on the bottom left, with the gradients of color!
    We had both Mon and Tues off, due to the POLAR VORTEX...sounds like a bad science fiction movie!
    (^_^) Kept the kids busy with crafts galore!
    Anyway, fun to stumble upon you!
    Happy Belated Birthday!*!*!
