
Monday, January 20, 2014

Georgia Bridal Show

This past Sunday, Ashley over at A Thousand Words took me to the Georgia Bridal Show as a birthday gift!

I was pretty excited to go, considering I only have a few more months left as a bride.
We're getting down to the nitty gritty of wedding planning, so I pretty much have everything & everyone booked. But I'll never pass up a chance for free food, free cake and free giveaways. 

We headed down to Athens early that afternoon, hung out at the show for about an hour and a half, and then enjoyed lunch downtown & a Gigi's cupcake.

It was nice being able to spend time with a girlfriend, and having a day just for us girls to enjoy. So thank you very much Ashley. :)

[please excuse my terrible outgrown roots that desperately need to be colored. ew.]


  1. The people at the bridal shows that I've attended in the past, were like vultures! But like you, I can't pass up free anything lol. My May wedding is quickly approaching and I'm already getting sad about not having a wedding to plan anymore!

  2. Aww how fun!! You're going to be such a gorgeous bride!!

  3. How fun! Bridal Shows are always one of my favorite parts of my job. The food is always amazing and you meet some great people. Good Luck with the rest of your planning. :)

  4. Oh how I long to be a bride! this looks like a blast getting to see all the vendors and new ideas.

  5. I'm sure that was so much fun! Have fun planning!

  6. So fun! Enjoy all of these bride outings while you can! Even a little bride sticker can seem like the coolest thing ever!

  7. Looks like you had fun. I'm sure you got to see lots of cool things. Never been to one of those. Maybe one day in the future.

  8. So fun!! Happy planning, love your blog!!

  9. Oh, FUN! I hope you got good ideas, contacts and discounts! :)

  10. How fun! Those shows are always fun to go to and see the different ideas.

  11. This bridal show is adorable. Thanks for all photos. When I was planning my wedding, we too attended various bridal shows and those helped us not only in booking one of best Chicago wedding venues but also all other arrangements.
