
Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Cookies On My Mind { Valentine's Day }

Yesterday I had "Sunshine On My Mind", dreaming of a honeymoon destination rather than the looming snow and ice that has graced it's presence upon north Georgia once again. 

School is cancelled AGAIN today, and I'm pretty sure I'll be teaching my little second graders until July at this rate.  Good thing I like them a lot. So instead of dreaming about boogers, ice cream money & shoelaces like I normally do throughout my busy weeks as a teacher, my sweet tooth has me dreaming of cookies decorated with sprinkles and frosting.

I know Christmas is suppose to be the cookie holiday of the year, but Valentine's Day takes the cake [or cookies in this case] for me. 
I think it roots back to mine and Cody's first Valentine's Day together when I made him Valentine's cookies for the first time... Best cookies ever. 
And I lost the recipe and haven't been able to make them since. 

So with every recipe I try, I hope it's a close match, but can't seem to match it up perfectly.
So the hunt continues, and I'll just have to keep trying more cookies. Darn. 
It's a tough job, but somebody has to do it.
You are welcome.

So here are some recipes I've had my eye on this Valentine's Day.
And I bet if I head out to the store sometime today before the weather gets too icky, I could probably do everyone a favor and bake up a batch or three of cookies to enjoy during this looming ice storm. :)

Ok. How adorable are these? Pretty freakin' adorable if you ask me. 
They aren't too difficult to make, but sound so yummy.
Underneath the glittery sprinkles, you melt down the Hershey Kisses to add a chocolate layer to the sugar cookie. And I bet if nobody's looking, you could probably even sneak a few Kisses while baking up these little masterpieces. ;)

Ugh. These cookies.
If you prefer soft & chewy, these are the way to go.
The recipe is so simple to follow, and it even includes a recipe for the buttercream frosting.
Yeah, I said it people. Buttercream frosting.

Well technically, there is no recipe for these cookies. 
They're actually from a bridal shower. But how adorable would these be for Valentine's Day!? You can find your favorite sugar cookie recipe, and use an X & O cookie cutter to give them shape. Plus, I loooooooove the ombre effect of the royal icing. LOVE.

Red velvet anything automatically gets my attention, I don't know about y'all. 
This recipe is a little more complex, but if you're up for a challenge, this is the way to go.
They look delicious.

What's Valentine's Day without a couple chalky, tasteless conversation hearts? :)
That's just my opinion, but if conversation hearts came in the form of cookies like the ones above, then I think I would like them a lot more! These cookies are more on the cakey side, but still look perfect and fun to make.

Now that my taste buds are watering profusely over these cookies, I better get my butt to the store to gather up the ingredients for at least one of these recipes. :)

Wish us luck through this ice storm!


  1. Girl this ice storm is crazy! These beautiful cookies are tempting me and now alls I want to do is go buy some sprinkly glitter. Stay warm and safe!

  2. That Lofthouse Sugar Cookie Recipe looks amazing! Just that picture alone makes me want some cookies right now.

  3. Those Hersey's Kiss cookies look like a winner! Stay warm in your ice storm!

  4. Okay make me one of each and I will take it upon myself to sample :) You know how I feel about those ombre cookies!!

  5. Oh my goodness! The red velvet cookies had me going, "YES, YES, YES!" lol.

  6. I wish we'd get snow. lucky you. snow days are great.

    and I love the cookies. My faves are the hershey kisses and esp the conversational heart ones b/c that is my fave vday candy. :D love em.

  7. Those Hershey Kiss cookies are so cute!!! I haven't seen those before! Xo

  8. I will take cookies and cake over chocolate any day of the week!!! And lol on the teaching till July. I won't be able to use leave (PTO) until JULY at this rate, either!

  9. Those cookies are too stinkin' cute!!!

  10. Lofthouse cookies are my weakness. Anytime I have an excuse to make then I will! My recipe uses boxed cake mix which makes it super simple!

  11. Those lofthouse sugar cookies look amazing! I hate when I lose one of my best recipes ever, there is no going back after that :(

  12. These are all SO cute! None of mine would come out looking this cute!

  13. OHhh, the hershey ones are too cute!!

    I nominated you for the Liebster Award!! There are more details on my blog :)

  14. These are adorable! The kids would love them :) Thanks for sharing at Mix it up Monday.
