
Thursday, March 27, 2014

Throwback Thursday: L+C {Year Five}

Five years from now seems like an eternity away.
To think how different life will be in five years is almost unfathomable. 
It's funny how time flies and life passes by before your eyes though.
Five years ago today, I never pictured what life would be like today.
Five years ago today, Cody and I made our relationship official.
And five years ago today, I never thought he would be the person I married.
Throughout the last five years, we've had our ups and downs like any other relationship.
Some days harder than others. Some days much happier than others.
But here we are. 
A couple months away from our forever.
To Cody - Thank you for putting up with all my sass and attitude for the last five years. Lord knows that's not easy. Thank you for always believing in me, and pushing me to be the best I can be. Thank you for being the supportive significant other that I can always trust and confide in. Thank you for being the best dog daddy around town to Maci. Nobody can tuck her in at night and blow on her belly quite like you. Thank you for always working hard and putting forth your all to create a life that we can be proud of. And thank you for always loving me, even when it's not always easy. I can't wait to spend another five years with you as husband and wife. I love you.

Here's a quick recap of the last year, the fifth year.
Most of it should look familiar since I started blogging this year, but we'll do a little look through anyway. :)
If you missed the first four years, you can check out our growth from babies to big kids here.
one. two. three. four.
Here's to working on year six!
 I love you almost husband. :)
[No more sappy stuff until  June 7th - I promise!]

 photo fiiiiiiiindmeeee_zps496dabcf.png


  1. Yall are PRECIOUS! I have loved looking at yall grow up through this series! :) Happy Anniversary! :)

    Love Always,

  2. You two are so cute! Can't wait for your wedding posts :) Happy Anniversary!!

  3. I love reading your throwback thursdays! :)) Happy anniversary lady!

  4. I'm loving this post and that picture collage!! Happy anniversary :) :) Here's to many more!! xo

  5. That first picture is GORGEOUS!! My bf and I are going onto year 5, glad to know there's others still with the twinkle in their eyes! Happy Anniversary! xo
