
Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Easter Basket Blog Hop | For My Husband to Be

I was so excited when I saw that Darci at the good life was hosting an Easter basket blog hop!
I knew I wanted to treat my almost husband to a small celebratory Easter gift, so I hit up the Easter bunny to do the work. He shops at Target in case you didn't know.
But I did have to help out with the Sam Adams Cold Snap because Mr. Bunny forgot his ID. That darn bunny.
But in all seriousness, I was so excited that I put this together. As of recently, I haven't had all the time in the world to do this kind of stuff, and it was nice to get all festive and crafty. I rushed out with Hank & Maci in tow Wednesday night while Cody was at his weekly meeting to get all the stuff for the basket/bucket. Here were the items I snagged at Target:
Men's Button DownCopper Planter | Sam Adams Cold Snap (Seasonal - similar here) | Archer Farms Tex Mex Trail Mix | Jack Link's Small Batch Beef Jerky
Men's Button Down: With Cody's new position, it requires him to fancy it up more so than his previous job. He's always in need of a new button up, and I knew he didn't have a red in his group of shirts. And I just love the checkered pattern.
Copper Planter: Ok. It's not a basket. Or even a bucket. It's a planter for your yard! But hey. It totally looks manly and rugged. Don't ya think?
Sam Adams Cold Snap (Seasonal): This is his favorite beer at the moment. Too bad it's a seasonal brew because we both think it tastes so good. I could only fit two in the bucket, so the extra four were an added bonus.
Archer Farms Tex Mex Trail Mix: I LOVE this isle at Target. There are so many different kinds of trail mixes, it's hard to pick just one. I thought he might like the Tex Mex flavor.
Jack Link's Small Batch Beef Jerky: What man doesn't love beef jerky? No. Don't answer that. I don't want to know! I even love it!
I filled the bottom with bright green basket grass. I was so excited to find the kind I did because it wasn't that plastic, shiny grass. This was made of paper, which gave it a more rusitc/natural feel - perfect for a manly Easter basket.
Before I put everything in the bucket, I tied the button down up with an extra burlap ribbon I found hiding in my craft closet. I had to add a girly bow somewhere. :)
I almost couldn't contain my excitement to give it to Cody on Sunday.
But I managed to hold it in, and surprised him after church on Easter.
I think he really enjoyed his manly Easter basket!
You can still join the Easter Basket Blog Hop with Darci!
Just head on over to the good life blog - grab the button & share your Easter goodies!

 photo fiiiiiiiindmeeee_zps496dabcf.png


  1. This is an awesome idea!! Love it!

  2. What an adorable and MANLY Easter basket!! Love it!


  3. this is such a cute idea!! will have to keep this in mind :)

  4. This is, love, love it! xx.

  5. what a cute idea! My man's had a gym shirt and shorts in it haha

  6. LOVE IT! You did great!! Love the planter/basket!!!

  7. This was such a good idea! And I love the fact that the planter fit exactly what you needed it to do! :)

    Love Always,

  8. The basket is so fun!!! Beer, trail mix and beef jerky? Heck...count me in! I lovvvvvveeeeee the trail mixes at Target too!!! I have the Tex Mex in my pantry right now along with my favorite, A Handful of Everything. Yum!

  9. Anddddd I LOVE this idea! I make gift buckets for the bf birthdays.

  10. Such a cute idea! Last week I was so busy I didn't think of doing anything like this for Coach. #wifefail

  11. This is the cutest idea! For Easter everyone is always so consumed by their children that they forget about making their boyfriends/fiance/husband feel loved as well.

  12. My husband and I don't exchange baskets, but what a great idea!

  13. Such a great idea! And I love the basket you used!

  14. I love your idea of using a planter, and the touch of burlap you added! I have trouble finding things for my guy sometimes but guys always seem appreciate things like what's in this basket here! Definitely thinking of putting something like this together for his birthday next month.
