
Monday, April 14, 2014

My Alabama Peanut

Last week, I mentioned I drove down to Alabama on my Spring Break to see one of my good friends, Brittany. Well, not just Brittany. But her sweet little peanut of a little boy, Luke!
I hadn't seen them since February (remember the "baby fever" post here?), so I was due for some baby loving and hanging out with my college roomie. So with me having a week off last week, it was perfect timing!
I was so thankful Brittany was sweet enough to let me spend a couple days with them. I even brought my own little fur babe, Maci, along since she's still completely in love with Brittany's dogs, even after two years. Luke had gotten so big and was still as sweet as ever.
I had such a good time! I'm so glad I get to see them for the next two weekends!
Here are a few pictures from the trip!
Mostly of the peanut. And I don't apologize for picture overload. :)


Brace yourself for the wrist roll...

I realized baby socks were the second cutest thing ever, right behind wrist rolls.

We even learned baby planks...
Legs of steel. Grrr. But sweet piggies.
A bulldog booty.
And with this sweet face, Cody & I just had to ask him a very important question...
But that will have to wait until tomorrow! :)
Have a great Monday everyone!

 photo fiiiiiiiindmeeee_zps496dabcf.png


  1. How cute is he?!? Such a fun time! Happy Monday! Following on Instagram now :)

  2. He is adorable! I can't wait to find out if he is going to be in your wedding.. and even more so I can't wait to see pictures of him in it... because let's be honest... that sweet face would never say no!

  3. He is the cutest!! Little wrist rolls and baby toes are the best.

  4. So cute!! I'm dying over the wrist roll! They're going to have a heartbreaker on their hands in a few years! ;)

  5. Oh my goodness he is so adorable! That onesie is precious!
