
Tuesday, May 13, 2014

It's Just What We Do

I mean really. It's just what we do.
We find reasons to get together.
And that's exactly what my family did last weekend.
My mom invited Cody & I over, along with some family members and friends to spend the evening enjoying each other and the beautiful Peach State weather. And we may have been planning this so we could also meet my sister's new boyfriend... She may kill me for saying this. Or worse - blogging this. Whoops.

With family gatherings, comes me in your face taking pictures of everything and everybody.
So, grab your helmets, shields & pads because once again...
I'm throwing pictures at you. A lot of pictures. And it's all due to the backlog of potential blog posts after my computer decided to take a crap on me for the past two weeks. So prepare yourself... You have been warned.
**These are mostly for family/memory documentation reasons, but I like looking at peoples pictures, so maybe y'all will too!

Did I kill ya with pictures!?!
Hopefully not! If you hung in there, thank you!
These type of posts often mean the most to me, because they describe my family and our dynamic perfectly. I wouldn't trade them for the world. :)

 photo fiiiiiiiindmeeee_zps496dabcf.png


  1. Love these pics - looks like a great time! I enjoyed seeing you on the blog baton yesterday! My day is coming up in July :)

  2. Don't apologize, this is your blog and you can post what you want to :) Beautiful family!!

  3. Yes, don't apologize!! I love pictures just as much as you do, ha! Your mom is gorgeous!

  4. Love these pics! Looks like you had so much fun! Family gatherings are so special!

  5. Your family is absolutely adorable! And keep the pictures coming :)

  6. Your mom is gorgeous!! I see where your good genes come from!

  7. Absolutely love all of these pictures!! :)

  8. I love pictures! That dog is adorable! And your sisters man looks like a keeper (hopefully!!) and my family does the same thing! We love excuses to get together and cook out on the grill in the summer!!!

    Love Always,

  9. You have such a beautiful family!! I love these kids of posts.

  10. Just added your button to my site. And now I see why. I knew you were from Georgia but didn't know you were a "Georgia Bulldog" fan. What part of Georgia are you from if you dont mind me asking. I'm 3 hours south of Atlanta. And I am glad to know another Georgia blogger. Looks like ya'll have fun together. Love the pics and girl you are Gorgeous.

  11. I love a good picture overload, I'm definitely guilty of it from time to time! ;)
    Beautiful family!

  12. you are stunning! so many great family pictures I LOVE it.


  13. You have such a beautiful family and it looks like so much fun!!

  14. You and your mom look so much alike! Love the cornhole boards!
