
Wednesday, May 28, 2014

My [Crazy] Life Lately + Monthly May Goals + Birthday Boy Turns 25

Whew. What a crazy month May has been!
I have yet to catch my breath, and I don't think I'll be able to anytime soon.
I have come to the realization of one thing...You can almost guarantee the months of August and May, I'll be a less than sub par blogger. [beginning of school - end of school - catch my drift?] It definitely makes life a little crazier than normal. Plus holidays, being sick, and oh, planning a wedding - blogging took a back burner!
But I'm here to catch y'all up {slowly throughout the week} and put your worries to rest. ;)


How dare me.
But I know what it would have been:
1. Wedding plan.
That's it. Just wedding plan. 
Considering Cody and I are getting married in 10 days (whaaaaat.), that's been my goal all month. Getting prepared for the big day.
And we're slowly getting there.

To kick off the craziness of May, that sweet little fiance' of mine celebrated a birthday!
25th to be exact, and it was on Mother's Day this year.
We decided to celebrate together a day early by ourselves since the actual day would be a little busier than normal!
Please excuse our crouching selfie - I have yet to invest in a tripod...

I knew quickly what I wanted to get the birthday boy this year.
NHRA Southern Nationals at Atlanta Dragway is always around his birthday, and he's begged for tickets for the last five years of us dating. So with me having my bachelorette trip the same weekend as Southern Nationals, I thought it would the perfect opportunity for Cody and his dad to have a bonding day before we get married.
Needless to say, he loved it and had a great time. :)
Plus, I threw in a mounted bottle opener to make it even more special!
Don't tell him it's from the happiest place on earth - Target ;) 
You can find it here.
Here's to 25 being the best year yet -I love you future husband!

 photo fiiiiiiiindmeeee_zps496dabcf.png


  1. That gift bag is fabulous!!! Love it! Sounds like May has been busy, but wonderful :) :)

  2. I can't believe your wedding is only 10 days away! I feel like I've been following along as you planned it and I can't believe how fast it has gotten here! Totally make me nervous for mine in September :)
    I know yours will be perfect, so excited for you!

  3. So happy that your wedding is coming up so fast! Wooo! And I love that bag so much!

    Love Always,

  4. 10 DAYS????????? Say whaaaaaatttt! Already??? Daaanng! eeeeeek :) Great gift for him!
