
Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Waiting for Nora

When I first found out some of our best friends, Paul and Ashley (A Thousand Words), were expecting a baby, I had a rush of emotions. I knew how much they wanted a baby, and was so happy for their exciting news. But when Cody and I found out baby S. was due around our wedding date, all we could do was pray that our friends could be apart of our special day.

As I was being corseted into my dress on Saturday, the door opens and in walks the girl that I hoped and prayed would be there for the last eight months, belly and all. The first thing Ashley did when she walked in was cry and say how beautiful I was. Her tears, possibly due to the raging pregnancy hormones, instantly brought tears to my eyes, and I realized what an amazing friend I have in her. That through all the tiredness, swelling feet and high blood pressure, the one girl who I could always count on for anything I needed, was once again standing so unselfishly in front of me on my wedding day.
My prayers were answered.

And now that she was able to spend the most important day of my life with me, it's my turn to spend the most important time of her life with her. Although I won't be at the hospital with her and Paul, I'll be anxiously awaiting beside my phone for the first text message telling me that their sweet little girl has graced her presence into the world.

Ashley will be the most amazing mother.
She truly has a mother's heart - one that is full of unconditional love for others.
Her own mother would be so proud of her strength and dignity, and will definitely be watching down on her with a smile.

I can't wait to watch Ashley and Paul grow as parents, and Cody and I will be so blessed to be apart of their new life with baby Nora.

We love you both very much and cannot wait to meet your baby girl.

 photo fiiiiiiiindmeeee_zps496dabcf.png


  1. You are definitely both super lucky to have each other as friends. And how fun for you each to be able to share these special times in each other's lives! I can't wait for Ashley and Paul to have Nora in their arms. Just watch out that you don't want a little one next haha

  2. The sweetest post! Happy for you and Ashley both, cannot wait to "meet" baby Nora either :))

  3. How sweet :) Love the name Nora, one of my friends named her daughter that. And what a trooper for showing up at your wedding! That is awesome.

  4. Love this! Cannot wait to hear of little Nora's arrival!!

  5. Such a sweet post! Her baby bump is perfect! You can't beat best friends :) :)
