
Thursday, August 28, 2014

August Goal Results

So technically, August isn't over for a couple more days, but the next three days of August will be consumed with college football, so let's knock this out of the way.

As y'all know, this girl is ready for August to be over.
It has been nothing but a pain in my butt, and I'm ready to start fresh.
Through it all, I think I actually did pretty good on my monthly goals surprisingly.

1. Have a successful first day of school!

I survived. That sounds successful.
It was good. Not great. Like the whole month has been pretty much.
Crossing my fingers it can only get better!
2. Lay my clothes out the night before work.
This is been the best thing for me in the morning!
I've been leaving 30 minutes earlier in the morning due to being prepared.
3. Make my lunches the night before.
Check. See above.
4. Stay organized at school and with lesson planning.
I've been more organized than I ever have been in my classroom.
Almost too organized... I can't find stuff half of the time because I organized it!
5. Seriously get back to eating healthy and exercising during the week.
It's easy to eat healthy...I really don't even have time to eat during the day. Which also means I don't have time to work out. I wake up at 4:30 and I get home at 8. I am so hoping September changes this drastically. Walking at least would relieve so much stress.
6. Continue to save money & spending wisely.
Well, I finally have cut down on the classroom expenses.
There are things every once in awhile I realize I need, but I'm almost back to normal.
7. Communicate with my husband.
August has been the crappiest month for both of us job wise, but the best month of marriage so far. He has been my backbone, my shoulder to cry on, my personal chef, my dog walker, my everything. I'm sure he's tired of all my whining and complaining, but if I didn't get it out to him, we'd be in a world of hurt.
8. Show him love, patience and understanding.
Perfect. See above.
9. Go on a date with my hubby.
We've made sure we've been going out together.
Many of our dates have started at 9pm because I got home late... but we've made it work!
10. Watch Georgia BEAT Clemson in Athens!!!
This is still to be determined, but Cody and I are both so pumped to be in Athens on Saturday and ready to cheer on our Dawgs!


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  1. I'd say you did pretty darn good! Hopefully September will be better.

  2. I save so much time picking my clothes out the night before... I am so indecisive in the mornings - probably because I am tired :) :)
