
Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Fall Bucket List

It's the official first day of fall y'all!
And this year, I'm really excited about this.
Normally I'm one of those that holds onto summer as long as possible.
But this year, I'm ready for sweaters, boots and pumpkin flavored everything.

I've found over the last few years, that I don't always take time to enjoy the seasons and holidays as much as I should. It seems like work somehow always overtakes my life and I don't take the time for myself. After the first couple months of school, I've really started trying to leave work at work, and take time for myself. At the end of the day, my job is just my job and it doesn't (it shouldn't) define me. So with that being said, I'm kicking off my teacher shoes, and I'm determined to enjoy the season that's in front of me.

So in order to make sure that I do, here are some things that are on my fall bucket list!

1. Visit a pumpkin patch.

Cody and I started this fall tradition when we first started dating, and I love it so much.
Jaemor Farms is our go-to pumpkin patch come October and it's a fall tradition that we will continue even when we have our own little family.

2. Food Truck Friday

Thanks to Ashley @ A Thousand Words, she's got me counting down the days until the Food Trucks pull into town again. Buffalo mac & cheese? Yes please! It will be the perfect outdoor early fall activity with our friends.

3. Make something pumpkin flavored.

I've seen pumpkin flavored everything on Pinterest and in the grocery stores.
Narrowing down which recipe to make may be the difficult part!
Pumpkin cupcakes, pumpkin cookies... oh, the possibilities.

4. Moonshine Festival

 Yet another fall tradition Cody & I have started since we started dating.
Cody loves looking at all the cars in the car show & I love all the little shopping booths.
The fried food doesn't hurt either.

5. Football in Athens.

Fall wouldn't be fall without a little football.
And Athens is always where my heart is every fall Saturday.

6. Carve a pumpkin or paint a pumpkin.

I've been debating on which I'd like to do this year.
I love the traditional pumpkin carving before Halloween.
My family has always done it.
But Pinterest has my heart yearning for a white and gold polka dot pumpkin with a ribbon tied around the top. Pumpkin painting party anyone!?

7. Enjoy Halloween!

With Halloween on a Friday this year, I won't have to dread the next day at school.
I can't wait to indulge in mini sized candy and dogs in tiny costumes.

8. Make something yummy for Thanksgiving.

I see food involved in a lot of my goals.
Lots of calories in my future. And maybe a treadmill.
But I love finding new recipes and trying them out for special occasions.
So fun!

9. Be Thankful.

It's the perfect time of year to count your blessings and enjoy your family and friends.


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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Your fall bucket mirrors mine exactly! Well, my football is in Austin, but it's all the same! ;) I hope you enjoy all of your fall activities!

  3. Yay! Fall friend time! I hope we get to check off a lot of these things with y'all! It's gonna be so fun with a little nugget in tow!!

  4. love this! you should definitely have time for yourself. last year was my first year painting a pumpking & it's so fun! and less messy :)

  5. Jaemor Farms is my favorite! this is a great list!!

  6. Love this! So excited for all things fall! xoxo

  7. I'm so excited for fall and to do most of the same things on your list! Count me in for one of those pumpkin painting parties! I'll bring the wine!

  8. The Moonshine Festival in North Georgia! How funny - the first time Steven took me "home" to visit his parents, we spent the day at the Moonshine Festival. Small world! :)

  9. So many fun activities! I'm glad you're making it a point to kick off those teacher shoes ;)

  10. I agree with you, in the past I think I've sped through the season without really enjoying them. I came up with my own fall list a couple weeks ago and I'm pretty proud of myself for following through! My favorite part about fall is all the yummy baking!

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  12. Love your list! I think it's a great idea to do each season! Fall especially!
