
Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Moonshine Festival

One of our fall traditions is going to the Moonshine Festival up in Dawsonville.
Before I met Cody, I never had interest in old cars or car shows. But since it's something that Cody loves, I try to find the same love in it as he does.

The Moonshine Festival is half car show and half festival.
We got to the show early and enjoyed walking around with his parents looking at all the different kinds of cars and trucks. I try to learn what I can about the cars, but I still have a ways to go until I catch up to Cody. I pretty much judge what cars I like based on what color it is and how shiny. :)

Once we strolled through all the cars and had some lunch, Cody and I headed over to the festival and looked through all of the booths. We treated ourselves to a giant lemonade and fried Oreo's to end the day! Yum!

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  1. Oh wow! Look at those oldies but goodies! I love the one with the flame decal on it!

  2. So fun! It's so funny to think back on that being the same festival that I met my (now) in-laws just a few short years ago!

  3. I saw this on your Instagram and my hubby and I were curious what the Moonshine Festival was! Sounds like our Texas Country Reporter Festival we just had. So much fun! Love the pictures.

  4. After getting engaged and looking at countless venues in the city, we stumbled upon the website for this place. And these guys really worked endlessly to ensure my happiness.
