
Thursday, November 27, 2014

Thankful | Happy Thanksgiving |

It's turkey day!
The most acceptable day out of the whole year to stuff your belly so full you intentionally wear loose clothing to mask your protruding stomach. I. just. love it.

As much fun as the turkey, pies, and dressing are, it's even more meaningful to take a second to give thanks and glory to God for the blessings we have in our lives. Despite some difficult circumstances around here the past few days, Cody & I have taken time to reflect on how lucky we truly are to have what we have and the people we get to share life with.

I'm thankful for my husband || I wouldn't want to spend my life with anybody else. I love our life and our marriage.

I'm thankful for my family || Life wouldn't be the same without them, and I wouldn't be who I am without them.

I'm thankful for my new family || I'm so lucky to have gained an extra family this year, and a family that let me in with open arms.

I'm thankful for my friends || They stood by me on my wedding day and continue to be there through the good and bad.

I'm thankful for new life || These little ones melt my heart and remind me to appreciate the little things in life.

I'm thankful for my furry ones || I wouldn't laugh and smile nearly as much without these two characters.

I'm thankful for my health and my family's healthy || Truly a blessing.

I'm thankful for a roof over my head || It keeps me safe, out of the year, and warm at night.

I'm thankful for my job & my students || Even though it has it's ups and downs, I love doing what I do.

Although these are just a few things I'm thankful for, I hope I can continue to be grateful and appreciative of all the things and people in my life. Life is so very precious and we all have so much to be thankful for.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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Wednesday, November 26, 2014

| Our Wedding | Sweets & Dances

After dinner, it was cake cutting time for the bride and groom.

We apparently should have practiced this, because we were kinda terrible at it!
It made for a good memory and some cute pictures though. :)

Cody isn't a huge cake fan, so to replace his groom's cake, he had a fun and delicious dessert table instead, which was a HUGE hit. (thank you to whoever packed us a box to go or I never would have had anything!)

Finally, it was time for the special dances - father/daughter & mother/son.

And then the hair completely frizzed out and fell, and the real dancing began... :)
Until next time y'all!
Wedding Coordinator/Florist: Terri @ Everything and More
Wedding Photographer: Katie Rivers Photography
Bridal Shoes: Badgley Mischka
Hair/Makeup: Shannon @ Formal Faces
Bridesmaid Dresses: Bill Levkoff @ Affordable Bridal
Bridesmaid Tanks: Baileywicks
Bridesmaid Glasses: Alisha's Designs
Bridesmaid Shoes: DSW

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Monday, November 24, 2014

Count Your Blessings

When tragedy strikes, that's when we all seem to appreciate our loved ones more than we ever have before. Guilty? Yep. I'm guilty of this.
Recently, it seems as if I had been on edge with my husband. Probably fussing a little bit more than I should, whining a little more than I should. Feeling easily angered and distracted by a certain situation currently in our life.
When talking about this with my husband on Saturday he looked at me and said, "You don't have any real problems." Which initially made me even more mad than I was. But I thought about it. I kinda thought he was right, but brushed it off my shoulders and pretended to never hear that.
Driving to the Falcons game yesterday, Cody received a phone call that we never expected and never wanted to hear. Loss of a co-worker/friend/brother/mentor left pain and sadness behind. The news washed over Cody's face and my heart sank deep down into my chest and has stayed there ever since. My heart was breaking as I watched my husband make sense of the call. I felt helpless, saddened and ungrateful.
Although we continued on with our daily plans, we both watched the game yesterday in a haze. Having a lot of time to think about the tragedy, and mostly thinking about the family that was left behind - a wife that lost her high school sweetheart and three boys all under the age of 12 who lost their father.
Suddenly, my "problems" seemed to be so small and I remembered Cody's words from the day before - "You don't have any real problems." You're right. I don't.
I have a husband who I can hug, kiss, love and walk hand in hand with. I have a loving family who is safe and healthy. I have a roof over my head that works perfectly fine for the moment. I have food in my fridge. I have a job doing what I like doing.
These aren't problems.
It's unfortunate that somebody else's true problem has to bring this side out in most of us.
We let so many of life's tiny obstacles wash over us and mask what's really important in life.
My husband has never looked so good. Smelled so good. Kissed so good. Felt so good to hug. Walked so good. Talked so good. Took a breath of air so good.
What a blessing it is to live my life with this man.
What a blessing it is to be married to him, to live in a home with him, to share the same hopes and goals as him.
 What a true blessing life is.

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Wednesday, November 19, 2014

| Our Wedding | The Reception Begins

After the official photos were done, it was finally time for the celebration to begin with our family and friends!
Our bridal party was introduced first, and then finally our official introduction as husband and wife. We knew we wanted to kick off our reception right away with our first dance. We had been to so many weddings where that first dance was put off and the special moment wasn't recognized the way it should have been by the guests. So first dance was at the top of our reception list!
As soon as we got engaged, Cody knew right away what he wanted our first dance song to be and I completely trusted him in that. It was perfect and beautiful, and fit our relationship perfectly - "Look at Me" by Alan Jackson. One of my favorite moments from the whole day.


After our first dance, we knew our guests' tummies would be rumbling!
So after Cody said a beautiful prayer, it was time to eat.
The food was just as delicious as we remembered from our tasting, but my dress was waaaay too tight for me to sit and actually eat! We enjoyed it the best we could before we started mingling with our loved ones. :)
And then it was time for cake... :)
Wedding Coordinator/Florist: Terri @ Everything and More
Wedding Photographer: Katie Rivers Photography
Bridal Shoes: Badgley Mischka
Hair/Makeup: Shannon @ Formal Faces
Bridesmaid Dresses: Bill Levkoff @ Affordable Bridal
Bridesmaid Tanks: Baileywicks
Bridesmaid Glasses: Alisha's Designs
Bridesmaid Shoes: DSW


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