
Tuesday, December 9, 2014

The Tackiest Party of All | Whitney's Grad Party |

My baby sister is graduating from college next weekend.
Whaaaaat. She's not suppose to grow up.

To celebrate this exciting time in her life, we had a Tacky Sweater graduation party with family and friends! My mom did an amazing job throwing everything together. She put so much time and detail into this party for Whitney, and it totally paid off. She should have been an event planner, I swear. I didn't catch all of her cute details, but the photobooth was a HUGE hit for sure and my favorite part of the evening.

Everybody got so into their sweaters, and each one had so much effort and personality.  (my tinsel arm fringe totally sealed the deal with winning 'most festive' in the sweater contest) We all had a blast and it definitely put everybody in the Christmas spirit.
I vote for having one every year!

I'll let these tacky pictures do most of the talking. :)

This weekend we celebrate the actual graduation from college!
In a lot less tacky way of course. ;)

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  1. Omg that baby!!! Nannie in the photo booth!! I love it! And I knew you would win!!

  2. That looks like SO much fun!! The photobooth was such a fabulous idea!

  3. This looks like such a fun party! I always love a good ugly sweater party and absolutely a photo booth! Oh and you and Cody look pretty adorable with little Nora :)

  4. love tacky parties!! congrats to her! and that cutout is hilarious!!

  5. I saw some of these on instagram and laughed so hard and the sweaters! It looks like it was a great time!

  6. WOW! I've seen my fair share of tacky sweaters, but you all had such good ones!! I love how everything played into the theme! I'd call that party a success!
