
Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Best Moments of 2014

I can't believe 2014 has come and gone so quickly y'all!
I remember starting the year with such high hopes, and 2014 didn't let me down one bit.
It has been a roller coaster, but with so many great memories made, 2014 was by far, one of the best years yet.

Here are my top 10 best/memorable moments of 2014:

10. The Peanut Turns One! 
post here

My favorite little guy turned one this summer, and I was lucky enough to get to spend some time with him and his mama back in July. I love watching my friends become mommies and I love their little munchkins even more. And this little one holds a special place in my heart!
Many more to come. :)

9. Take Me Out to the Ball Game
post here

We headed out to the baseball park with the family for a Braves baseball game in July!
I love spending time with my family, and I cherish these moments so much.
We had amazing seats, Dippin' Dots and ended with a trip to The Varisty.

8. Cabin Weekend
post here + here

A weekend at my aunt & uncle's cabin up in North Georgia was the perfect mini vacation.
Family time, lots of sunshine, a case of strep throat for this one and a trip to the lake.
The perfect dose of relaxation before the school year started!

7. Snowy Days Down South
post here

Our little southern world was completely shut down by snow this year, and not only once, but TWICE. Completely unheard of. We enjoyed several days off from work and playing in the snow. A definite memorable moment from 2014!

6. Bachelorette Weekend
post here

Not your typical bachelorette weekend, but a pretty great one for me!
Some of my girls spent the weekend with me up at my aunt's cabin in North Georgia.
We enjoyed walking around Blue Ridge, even through the rain, and had so much fun painting and sitting by the fire when we got back. Thanks again ladies!

5. Showered with Love
post here & here

Cody and I were SO blessed to have had so many wedding showers this year!
I had one with my family and we had one with his, and it showed us just how many people care about us and our marriage.

4. Welcome Baby Nora!
post here & here

Our friends, Ashley and Paul, welcomed their little bundle of joy into the world in June. When our eyes met Miss Nora Leigh's, our hearts grew three sizes that day!
We love that little babe!

3. Little Sister Graduates
post here

We couldn't have been more proud of my sister, Whitney, for graduating college this month.
She has worked so hard and will totally rock the real world's socks off.
Congrats baby sister!

2. Honeymoon
posts here, here, here, here, here

After months and months of wedding planning, we finally got to cruising on our honeymoon to the Bahamas! We had so much fun as husband and wife, saw so many beautiful places and made memories that will last a lifetime.

1. Our Wedding
posts here

The best moment from 2014?
Our wedding day!
I loved everything about our wedding, and most of all, I love the man I got to marry.
Easily the best moment of the year!

We had so much fun and made so many memories in 2014.
I just know 2015 is going to be one for the books!

Enjoy your New Year's y'all!
I hope 2015 keeps you happy, healthy and safe.
May all your hopes and dreams come true.
Here's to a New Year!

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Monday, December 29, 2014

A Merry Little Christmas

I hope y'all had a wonderful Christmas with family and friends!
Over here, we celebrated our first married Christmas together in low-key fashion with our loved ones.

We started off Christmas Eve at Cody's grandmother's house with his family. We decided when we got back home to go ahead and open our gifts to each other since Christmas morning we were off to Cody's parents house. I do have to say that Santa was very good to me this year and completely spoiled me rotten. :)

Christmas morning we woke up early to head on over to Cody's parents house. We had breakfast together, opened gifts and spent some time relaxing together before we headed over to my family's Christmas at my mom's house. Over there, we ate a yummy Christmas dinner, opened presents and played games until my little eyes couldn't stay open any longer. We had a ton of fun. :)

Now to ring in a New Year!

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Thursday, December 25, 2014

Merry Christmas to All

As we celebrate our first married Christmas together, we wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas full of love and cheer!

'And the angel said unto them, 'Fear not: 'Behold I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people, Unto you is born this day a Savior which is Christ the Lord.'
Luke 2:11

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Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Little Sister Graduates

I can remember so many memories with my little sister, Whitney.
Playing Barbies in our bedroom. Pretending to be Power Rangers.
I made her be the yellow because I wanted to be the pink.
I was the big sister, so I made the rules. :)

Several first days of school. Prom. High school graduation.
I could literally go on for days with memories.
And with so many memories to reminisce on, we added one more big one to our sister story.
College graduation!

We are all so proud of her hard work and accomplishment!
And we know she will totally rock the real world. :)
We love you Whitney!

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