
Monday, January 5, 2015

Hello, 2015

Happy 2015 y'all!
I'm still in disbelief that 2014 is over and done with.
It was definitely one heck of a year!
Our first newlywed New Years was as pretty low-key as it gets.
Pretty much our whole holiday season was low-key this year, and I was pretty okay with that. We did ring in the New Year though at my mom's house with friends. We enjoyed some small appetizers and drinks before the peach dropped at midnight. I was in my pajamas by 10:30. Cute right?
I really didn't take too many pictures, but here's a few favorites from the evening.

I hope everyone has kicked off the New Year with a bang!

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  1. Our new year was low key too, because we both worked the next day. Sometimes, those are too shabby though! I hope you are enjoying the new year!

  2. Sometimes a low key NYE is just what you need!! Ours was pretty low key as well and it was seriously amazing and I wouldn't have had it any other way!!

  3. I love that first picture of you two. SO cute!!

  4. If those are your PJs they seem pretty stylish. NYE isn't worth all the hype anyway I love a love key evening.
