
Tuesday, April 14, 2015

House Find Favorites || Living Room

Like I mentioned in my life catch-up post yesterday, I totally haven't started decorating our home much at all. I'm a little shocked by this honestly, because I figured I'd go a little crazy once we moved in. It's been quite the opposite. Now that I have the ability, I'm having a hard time making the decisions and finding the time. My wallet has been pretty safe up until now... 

But this Pinterest crazy gal is getting the decorating bug, and I've fallen in love with some swoon-worthy living room shots. I really want to start working on our living room and kitchen relatively soon. It's definitely the main focal point of our house, and it's where we spend the most time just the two of us and with guests. 

When we moved in, Cody and I both knew we wanted new living room furniture, so we bit the bullet and bought new sofas and tables. They're so cozy and comforting, so I want my living room to reflect the same feel. 

Here are a few shots that I'm loving:

What do y'all think? Any decorating tips are very much welcome!

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  1. Love the first two & last one!!

  2. So agree! I was surprised I didn’t go crazy right when we moved in last summer but when the time is right, the time is right! It just comes to you and doing it when you enjoy/have time is so much better! Really love the second and third ones – a cozy/comfortable living room is key – we get so much use out of ours!

  3. I love all of these! I was similar to you where once we moved it, I wanted to make sure it was all just perfect so it's taken me longer than I thought it would to pick out new items and really make it what I want. I'm sure it will be just gorgeous! I can't wait to see how it all turns out!

  4. I'm seriously loving all of those inspiration shots! So cozy and classy!

  5. The second one & the one next to last are my two favorite... How cute...

  6. I love the 2nd one and the last one! They just seem to calming and comfortable to me. I'm trying to buy a few things here and there for our new house but I just can't make myself do it. I'm hoping that will change once we finally finish the house and move in. That way I can see how things will fit?? I hope, at least ha!

  7. I love all of these! I can't pick a favorite!

    Lauren Elizabeth
    Petite in Pearls

  8. Oh I love that first photo! I think all of these sets are great though.

  9. Hi Lauren. First, I have to say, I love your profile picture. Your wedding dress was so beautiful. Second, all of your inspiration pictures are very nice. I like them all because each of the rooms look warm, welcoming and cozy. It'll be fun to see what you choose to do. By the way, I'm glad I stumbled across your blog today. I enjoyed the visit... :)

  10. I love all those living rooms. They're gorgeous and very inviting and cozy (which we all know is a Southern thing ;) I know you're A Ga girl, too but i'm not sure how far you are from Peachtree City. I went with my mom and grandma Friday to a wedding boutique and then my mom took us to an antique shop called Collector's Corner in Sharpsburg. I thought i'd share with you because it was the most amazing antique store I've ever been to (not everything is antique). Some of the stuff they have would go dreamily in your new living room :)

  11. I love all those living rooms. They're gorgeous and very inviting and cozy (which we all know is a Southern thing ;) I know you're A Ga girl, too but i'm not sure how far you are from Peachtree City. I went with my mom and grandma Friday to a wedding boutique and then my mom took us to an antique shop called Collector's Corner in Sharpsburg. I thought i'd share with you because it was the most amazing antique store I've ever been to (not everything is antique). Some of the stuff they have would go dreamily in your new living room :)

  12. I love all those living rooms. They're gorgeous and very inviting and cozy (which we all know is a Southern thing ;) I know you're A Ga girl, too but i'm not sure how far you are from Peachtree City. I went with my mom and grandma Friday to a wedding boutique and then my mom took us to an antique shop called Collector's Corner in Sharpsburg. I thought i'd share with you because it was the most amazing antique store I've ever been to (not everything is antique). Some of the stuff they have would go dreamily in your new living room :)

  13. That last picture looks just like the layout of the house we're about to build! I'm totally pinning {and stealing} that picture for future reference for myself! I love all the other pictures you shared. I feel like you and I have very similar house taste!

  14. Came across your blog through another, can't wait to see you living room, love your living room plans. Congratulations for becoming homeowners, read back that you got your house in January.

    liz @ sundays with sophie
