
Monday, June 8, 2015

And Baby Makes Three

Well, if you follow me on Instagram, you found out our exciting news yesterday!
But if you don't...

We are so excited to finally announce to the world our special secret...
Cody and I will be welcoming our sweet little peanut into the world this December!

WARNING: This blog will be blown up with baby stuff in the coming days.
You have been warned. :)

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  1. I am just so excited for the two of you! I remember bugging you two about having babies once Nora was born and you told me after I did . . . so I guess you were telling the truth :) Can't wait to see all the baby posts!!!

  2. I knew it! I assumed :)
    Cadence was born in December too ! Yay!

  3. Congrats!!! This is so exciting! Can't wait to see all the baby posts :)

  4. Congrats, pretty lady! Can't wait to read more!

  5. AHHH!!! HOW DID I MISS THIS YESTERDAY?! CONGRATULATIONS! I'm so incredibly happy for the two of you!!! YAY!! I can't wait to read all about your journey! I love your announcement picture! I used that same print to tell Steven when I found out our happy news. Congrats again!!

  6. YAYYYY! Baby it UP, mama! I can't wait!!! xx

  7. Congratulations!!! Y'all definitely had a lot to celebrate on your anniversary this year :)

  8. Yay! I had a feeling when I saw your sneak peek anniversary pictures a couple weeks ago! So excited for you!
