
Monday, June 22, 2015

Headed North || Summer Vacation || Part One

Last week, Cody + I headed north for our summer vacation trip.
Our destination was Ocean City, Maryland and various parts of Delaware.

The farthest north I've been is Washington D.C. and the airport in Philadelphia, which doesn't really count does it? Cody's parents asked if we'd join them for the trip since Cody has relatives on his dad's side that live up there that he really has never met. We we're excited to go and try something a little different this summer!

We left last Saturday afternoon, knowing we were going to stop somewhere in Virginia, which ended up being Virginia Beach late Saturday night. After a chocolate chip pancake IHOP breakfast with a relative that lives in the area, we hit the road again. Since we couldn't check in until late that afternoon, his parents took us to Assateague Island for a quick visit. Not only is the island gorgeous, it's full of wild horses that roam freely throughout. Definitely up my alley! 

We didn't stay too long so we could check in to our condo, but I knew it was a place I wanted to get back to sometime throughout the week. Monday, we decided to check out the Ocean City beach in the morning. Typically, we're used to those calm, warm Florida beaches in the summer, so feeling how cold the Ocean City water was a shock to say the least! Cody was a heck of a lot braver than me and actually got it. Brave and just plain crazy can be interchanged actually. :)

After a morning at the beach, we cleaned up and explored Fort Miles in Delaware. Fort Miles was a fort in WWII that tourists and locals can visit to camp, visit the beach and explore the bunkers. It was a perfect little piece of history.

My favorite part about Fort Miles was the overlook.
It was completely stunning and amazing how you could see New Jersey just across the water! It was so pretty!

More to come tomorrow!

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  1. This trip looks like a lot of fun. I can't wait to hear about the rest of it! You'd be shocked if you came to Oregon with how cold the water and air is at the beach, definitely not your tropical swimming environment! :)

  2. How fun!! We are used to the warm sunny beaches in Florida as well, so the cold would definitely be a shock!

  3. Beautiful pictures! I went to Southern California one June and the water was extremely cold there! Definitely not like Alabama beaches.
    Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts

  4. What a fun beginning to your trip! Being from FL, I always forget that the northern states have "beaches" lol
