
Thursday, July 2, 2015

Bumpdate || Sixteen

Week 16 bumpdate brought to you by my typical/everyday/not so cute summer wardrobe of t-shirts and Nike shorts. You're welcome people. :)

How far along: 16 weeks

Due Date: December 17, 2015

Baby is the size of: Avocado - about 4 1/2 inches long. Baby can hear mama's voice!

Symptoms: Some headaches - not like last week. A couple moments of nausea. Feeling shortness of breath when I lay in certain positions. Still battling a stuffy nose, particularly in the morning and night. Riding the hot mess express with mood swings. And if I thought I had acne when I was 13, pregnancy acne is kicking puberty acne's butt. :(

Gender: We have our gender determination ultrasound on Friday, but will find out with family and friends on Sunday!! I'm completely on team boy still!

Name: Still debating between a few. No decision yet.

Movement: No movements yet. Should be a couple weeks though!

Nursery: Hobby Lobby has my heart (and wallet) yearning to decorate a nursery! So many cute ideas!

Maternity Clothes: I haven't given in yet. I'm sure my days are numbered.

Sleep: I've been staying really busy this week, so I'm super tired in the evenings, which makes sleeping great.

Best Moment This Week: We have a doctor's appointment this afternoon, so I'm pretty sure hearing that little heartbeat will be the best moment of the week!

Missing Anything: Cold. Yummy. Delicious. Sub. Sandwiches. 

Cravings/Aversions: Not really craving anything this week. I've wanted a sweet treat after dinner though.

Health/Exercise: I'm pretty sure cleaning your house and shopping for hours on end for a gender reveal party counts as exercise!

Mood: So moody and I feel like I'm trapped in somebody else's body half the time. It's really weird. But I'm super excited (and a little nervous) about finding out if I'll be a boy mama or a girl mama!

Husband: Been very patient with the mood swings. Bless his little heart. Excited to find out if we're having a boy or a girl!

Looking Forward To: Our gender reveal party on Sunday! For a sneak peek, follow me on Instagram and watch for the pink or blue on Sunday! What do y'all think baby C will be? :)

{{ previous bumpdates }}

eight || nine || ten

eleven || twelve || thirteen

fourteen || fifteen || sixteen

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