
Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Our Gender Reveal Party

Last Sunday was THE day.
We found out if we were going to have a little boy or a little girl!

We scheduled our gender determination ultrasound last Friday, and planned our party for Sunday since Saturday was a holiday. Cody and I (well me, really because Cody wanted to know then) chose to wait to find out what Baby C was with our family and friends. Talk about two days of torture.

Our sweet new neighbors so kindly took our envelope and our box and filled it with the right color for us to open on Sunday. I couldn't be more grateful that they took on the challenge and really did it without hesitation. We love their little family already!

Although the party turned out to be a lot bigger than I first imagined, we kept it easy with simple decorations and snacks. I didn't want to go too crazy, but was really pleased with how everything turned out. Shout out to my mom and sister for helping with everything throughout the week and shout out to my hubby for busting butt in the yard! Everything turned out to be so cute and wonderful.

Guests arrived around two, so we enjoyed an hour of snacking and socializing before the big reveal. We had so many loved ones show up, and it shows just how loved our little peanut already is. 

Cody and I went with a confetti/balloon box to reveal the gender just to do something a little different. I honestly stressed out about this box for days and was SO nervous before we opened it. I didn't want a tiny little piece of confetti to fall out and ruin the surprise and I definitely didn't want the box to not open at all when we went to pull the strings! But luckily, all worries were put to rest because when the big moment came, we pulled the strings and out fell the most beautiful pink confetti and balloons I had ever seen!

Shocked was a complete understatement, because I expected to see blue fall to the ground for the longest time. I was convinced this baby was a boy, but am SO excited (and still shocked honestly) that we're going to have a little girl. I don't think it's really sunk in yet.
After we shocked our family and friends with pink, we spent another hour or two sharing in the excitement of a little girl come this December. Cody and I feel so blessed and lucky to have been picked to be this little girl's parents already. We can't wait to meet her this winter!


  1. The video on Instagram was to die for! So excited for you! You're going to be a lovely mother!

  2. All of your decorations are so cute! Yay for a girl! :)

  3. Cutest GR party ever! I am still shocked that we were both wrong but SO SO SO excited to spoil Nora's new bestie! Love you guys!

  4. ok I totally thought you were having a boy too, but YAY for sweet baby girls and smocked dresses and BIG BOWS!!

  5. How sweet! You did such a good job on your party. Congratulations on your sweet baby girl!

  6. Your party turned out absolutely beautiful (not that I'm surprised at all). I had a feeling it was a girl all along and can't believe so many of us will be having girls this year!

  7. Congrats!!! Love the box idea :) Such great pictured were captured that you will have forever.

  8. Love, Love, Love it!! So much fun!!!

  9. So so sweet! Your look of shock is priceless! :)

  10. I love your party - it's the perfect gender reveal! Your box is adorable with the confetti and sign on the front. So excited for y'all! can't wait to find out her name :)

  11. I was shocked just like you were as in I just knew I was having a boy too.. All I pinned was boy stuff on Pinterest! It will sink in, you will switch gears, and have TONS of fun with all the pink and girly stuff! Congrats lady! You are going to be a great mother!

  12. You look gorgeous!!! And your gender reveal is just beautiful. Maybe you'll get a beautiful girl who refuses to wear bows like Sophie, haha.

    liz @ sundays with sophie

  13. The look on your face is priceless! Congratulations!

  14. I can't get enough of these pictures! I'm so excited for you! I was the exact same way.. 100% convinced that when we cut our wedding cake we'd see blue (I don't know why we just really thought boy), and then when it was pink I couldn't stop crying of happiness and I was in shock for days! Preparing for a baby girl, and having a baby girl, is the most amazing thing <3

  15. Congratulations!! I can't wait to read what y'all decide to name her!
    Sarah at MeetTheShaneyfelts

  16. This is amazing! Little girls are the best! xx
