
Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Bumpdate || Thirty-Five

How far along: 35 weeks

Due Date: December 17, 2015

Baby is the size of: She's a little over 18 inches long, around 5 pounds. We'll know exactly how big at our ultrasound today.

Symptoms: Ugh, high blood pressure at our last appointment...I'll get into that in a second. Mildly puffy and swollen legs, ankles, and feet after a long day. Stuffy nose all. the. time. Hitting that nesting phase - I want to clean everything and get everything done YESTERDAY. which isn't allowed with my high blood pressure. Feeling very emotional, and upset easily. And a little freaked out at the fact that she can show up any day now, and I'm not prepared!

Gender: My little babe. Post here

Name: Harper Elizabeth. Post here.

Movement: She's still movin' and groovin' at her usual times of the day. A little in the morning, around 11 every morning, and of course, at night after dinner when I'm relaxing. But of course during my non-stress test last week, she was stubborn as can be.

Nursery: Not too much progress, but there's not much left to do. Cody is going to paint her shelves within the next few days, and I need to get her monogram painted, along with some frames for her walls spray painted. I'd like to get a hamper for her room, to keep those tiny little clothes separate from ours. Once her crib sheet comes (it finally shipped!), I'll feel more comfortable deciding what prints I want on her walls. 

Maternity Clothes: Yes... and filling them out more and more each day.

Sleep: A little trickier this week. Some nights were perfect. And some nights I had achy legs. And then one night I was wide awake at 2:30am.

Best Moment This Week: The ladies at work threw me and baby Harper the sweetest school shower. I was so surprised so many showed up, and was blown away with the amount of gifts we were given. So much love, and it's so appreciated!

Missing Anything: Rolling out of bed like a normal person.

Cravings/Aversions: I think Papa Johns pizza with a side of cinnamon poptarts would totally be a legit meal. And frosted mini wheats for dessert. I promise it's not going to happen though...maybe.

Mood: Like I mentioned, definitely more emotional and easily upset. After our doctor's appointment last week, I'm feeling a little stressed and freaked out that she may be here before we're ready for her.There's just a lot that I still want to get done!

Doctor's Appointment: Since I'll be going every week now, I figured it would make sense to add this to the bumpdate. This past appointment, my blood pressure was pretty high - which was a complete shock, since it's been pretty perfect through my whole pregnancy. They wouldn't let us leave until it went down, so I laid on my left side for awhile, while they did a non-stress test to monitor her heartbeat and movements, while taking my blood pressure. I had blood taken to test for proteins, and even had to carry around a jug of pee for a 24-hour urine test. Oh, the joys of pregnancy. I'm monitoring my blood pressure at home, and hopefully, we can keep it down so bed rest isn't the next option. We have another non-stress test at our next appointment, along with an ultrasound to check her current measurements and check the amniotic fluid levels.

Husband: Holy cow - if he wasn't patient before, he definitely can be crowned king of patience this week putting up with me! Very sweet and taking good care of this mama-to-be.

Looking Forward To: Although the next appointment is pretty crucial, I'm excited to see our little girl on ultrasound! We haven't seen her since 19 weeks, so I'm anxious to see the growth and positioning!

{{ previous bumpdates }}

eleven || twelve || thirteen

fourteen || fifteen || sixteen
seventeen || eighteen || nineteen
twenty || twenty-one || twenty-two
twenty-three || twenty-four || twenty-five
twenty-six || twenty-seven || twenty-eight
thirty-two || thirty-three || thirty-four

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  1. Looking great, Mama! So sorry to hear about your high BP...I know these last few weeks must be crazy stressful but try to enjoy them :)!!! Xx

  2. I totally feel for you girl! I had to do the 24 hour urine test 4 times throughout my pregnancy and it's seriously no fun! I'll be thinking of you! Please let me know if you need anything!!! Thinking of you and Harper!

  3. I have had a week JUST like you! Went to the doc Friday, was sent to the hospital with high blood pressure, did the 24 urine test, and now I am on bed rest. Such an emotional roller coaster wanting this all to be over, but wanting her to stay in as long as possible.. Hang in there!!

  4. I am sure that test was NO FUN! Prayers that your BP stays down!!! My cousin is experiencing the same thing right now and is on modified bed rest :/ This is cheesy but do you have a little stocking you can put her in for a picture since she'll be a December baby?? I've always thought that idea was precious!

  5. you look gorgeous!!! I'm sorry to hear about the BP that must be tough to deal with. I hope bedrest doesn't happen next

    liz @ sundays with sophie
