
Monday, January 11, 2016

The Most Special Christmas of All

I planned on getting this post up a few weeks ago considering we're already two weeks into January, but life with a newborn is pretty unpredictable as you can imagine. But even though we're past the holiday cheer and Christmas trees, I wanted to get this post on out since it was such a special Christmas indeed. 

Originally it was special for the most obvious reason - Harper's first Christmas and our first Christmas as a family of three. It was sweet, exciting, and so heartwarming sharing this special season with our new little one. It made Cody and I so excited for the holidays to come, making new memories and traditions with our new little family. But after last week, this past Christmas took on a whole new special meaning. With my grandfather passing away last week unexpectedly, this past Christmas was the last time I was able to see him and spend a little bit of time with him. It was the last time he held Harper in his arms, the last time I was able to hug him, and the last time I was able to tell him I love him. I'm so grateful that I was able to see him, and I know it was special for everybody, including him, to see Harper. I'll cherish those last memories and keep them close to my heart.

This past Christmas was so unlike any other. Leading up to Harper's birth, I knew I wanted to go ahead and have our Christmas tree up and the { so very } minimal decorations up before her arrival because I knew I wouldn't be feeling up to it or have the time once she came home. But with me being on bed rest, I couldn't really do a whole lot. Luckily, my husband and family are amazing, and helped decorate and put up the tree. It was hard not going to pick out a tree this year with Cody, but I knew how special next year would be with Harper tagging along. { He picked out a beautiful one I must say! } My aunt, sister, and mom decorated the tree for me and did such a great job. I pretty much have the best family ever!

With Harper only being two weeks old { and mama still recovering }, we kept this holiday pretty low key, but still was so nice. On Christmas Eve, Cody worked during the day and then surprised us with cookies and sparkling grape juice { totally classy and totally my favorite ;) }. We tried to watch some Christmas shows to get us feeling all Christmasy, but Harper wanted to test her tightness with Santa Claus and be a little fussy. She almost got coal in her stocking, but luckily got her act together just in time. ;)


On Christmas morning, Harper had us up bright and early!
We opened a few presents and got ready for Cody's family to come over. We had a yummy brunch together before opening presents.

That evening, we headed to my mom's house for Christmas dinner. My grandparents and great aunt stopped by, and we were able to spend some time together and pass Harper around for lots of snuggles and kisses. 

After dinner, we opened gifts and enjoyed spending time with each other for the rest of the evening. We couldn't have asked for our first Christmas with our little girl to go any better. :)

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  1. There's just way too much cuteness in this post! What a special Christmas...and one you'll remember forever, it seems.

  2. Beautiful photos! Congrats on your newest addition, Lauren! She's lovely!

  3. What a beautiful and special Christmas! Harper is so precious! :)

  4. So glad you got to have such a special Christmas with your grandpa <3 Memories you will soon not forget! Hope you're doing well mama, those first few weeks are brutal!! Hang in there!

  5. So beautiful. I am so sorry for the loss of your grandfather. I hope your recovering well. I have heard the first few weeks are the worst.

  6. What an amazing Christmas!! Harper looks so adorable and the decorations look beautiful! So sad to hear your grandpa passed, I am so sorry but that is awesome he was able to meet Harper!

  7. That monogrammed sweater is too freaking cute! Glad y'all had a wonderful holiday with the newborn.

  8. What a special, special Christmas. Praying for your heart during this time of loss yet unexplainable joy with the birth of your little girl! did I miss (or did I just forget) that you have a dachshund?!?!

  9. Oh Harper is so precious and I am DYING over that monogrammed cardigan on her! That's got to be the cutest thing ever! What a special Christmas for all, having a sweet brand new babe, and you look fantastic mama! I'm sorry your family also had sadness during this holiday; we lost my grandfather on Christmas Eve last year and it's certainly a difficult time to balance the joy of the season with the aching loss of someone you love.
