
Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Full Hands, Full Heart | Harper's Newborn Photos

Good grief, y'all. 
Life has been completely and beautifully full since our sweet girl entered into our lives this past December. It's funny how things you want to do and enjoy doing sometimes (and by sometimes, I mean normally all the time) get put on the back burner to make sure these little human beings are loved and taken care of the best way you know how.
Kinda like blogging.
I've managed to squeeze out a few posts here and there, but it definitely hasn't been my biggest priority - especially with going back to work and the fact that my child boycotts naps on a daily basis. Regardless, life has slowed down a bit now that we're on summer time, and back from our vacation (more on that soon!). So my hopes with some upcoming posts aren't really too detailed and too in depth - but really just to share sweet memories that we've made together over the past six months. 
Our hands have been full, but our hearts have been just a little fuller.
A couple weeks after Harper was born, one of my sweetest, most best friends came to snap a few newborn pictures of Harper for us. I loved the fact that we were able to stay home, and capture these precious moments in her nursery. These are and always will be some of my most favorite pictures we've ever had taken. 


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