
Wednesday, August 31, 2016

First Family Vacation | Morning at Burkes Beach

We decided to try the beach in the morning with our little beach babe.
The less hot the better (and the less people to watch our three ring circus of carrying the million and one essentials required to taking a baby to the beach + carrying the actual baby - who may or may not have a complete meltdown at any moment). :)

Harper, of course, loved - loved - loved the ocean again that morning.
She's a complete water baby and was pretty darn precious splashing around in the water with her baby shades. Can we please take notice of her little hairs blowing in the wind? I mean, really.

To our surprise, little girl ended up taking a nap right there under our tent - which was pretty amazing, considering my baby doesn't take naps, much less sweaty, sandy, sticky naps. But she did. So for a split second, mommy and daddy actually had a tiny bit of time to actually take a deep breath and relax just the two of us.

We let her play in the sand - which she tried to eat, of course - and took one last dip in the ocean before packing up and heading home for lunch...and naps.

previous 'first family vacation' posts...

Botany Bay Plantation
Downtown Savannah
Burkes Beach - Part One

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